Category: Communications

Satellite seeks broadband re-entry 0

Satellite seeks broadband re-entry

This article in CNET is not discussing the possibilities for satellite internet access at sea, but touches upon a couple of issues that might be relevant to it. Standards and scale. If both happen...

Sail into the wi-fi zone 0

Sail into the wi-fi zone

Not as inspirational as the Lake Dal project in India, but nevertheless this is a very welcome gift for commercial ships and private yachts travelling through the Van Starkenborghkanaal in The Netherlands. They will...

Guide to shipboard internet 0

Guide to shipboard internet

Although sponsored by Inmarsat, this is a nice guide to help you get the most out of your internet connection while at sea. I like the fact that they are specifically mentioning the use...

Unwire and Unwind 0

Unwire and Unwind

Long article in Great Lakes Boating on the spread of Wi-Fi in marinas and on boats. The author makes a nice comment with regard to sailors and computers : “…and for the most part,...

Least Cost Routing 0

Least Cost Routing

Came across SeaWave’s Integrator 3.0 solution in combination with Inmarsat’s Fleet 55. What I really like about this solution is that it provides ‘least-cost routing’ for all your voice and data traffic, depending on...

Mixed Signals 0

Mixed Signals

Good article over at Boating World explaining the configuration of a good VHF set-up by detailing the workings of the different components. Do not focus too much on the radio itself, understand the importance...