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Geoff Roddick
Geoff Roddick
Active Member
Joined: April 19, 2018 9:31 am
Last seen: February 17, 2019 9:31 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
RE: Groove A 52 ac authentication on webpage

Steve, Thanks - was hoping you'd answer 😀 How have you mounted your groove on your boat? (wondering what mount you've bought/used)

6 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1998
RE: AIS transponder - SOTDMA vs CTDMA

Just thought I'd add to this discussion that I just spoke with Digital Yacht and they are coming out with two SOTDMA transceivers the AIT2500 and AIT3...

7 years ago
RE: AIS transponder - SOTDMA vs CTDMA

A simple test, which won't show your signal strength, is to have another AIS receiver onboard to see if you see yourself.

7 years ago
RE: AIS transponder - SOTDMA vs CTDMA

Steve, I too am looking at the Amec B600 or Emtrack B350 after talking to Mitech. They seem quite similar.. You have said "However, I prefer the manag...

7 years ago