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Last seen: December 2, 2020 9:52 pm
@ben-stein. Thanks so much for those thoughts Ben - much appreciated! I'm kinda surprised more people haven't chimed in on this one!
This thread grabbed my attention as I'm planning to buy a DST810 in the near future. But, I think Steve is right - its probably related to thermocline...
I happened to see this article on RC Collin's website regarding the Sterling DC-DC charger. This is a good compliment to Ben's original article. Some ...
Dan - Thanks for that. I guess I hadn't 't thought about the downside to the starter battery getting the bulk charge for a long time, while the house ...
And here's a better link to the battery isolator diagram.
@dan-corcoran Argh - thanks Dan - yeah, I mean to link to this:/p>
Dan - sorry I didn't see your comment until now. Thanks for your additional thoughts and encouragement to check out other aspects of the system - I'll...
Thanks for those thoughts Ben. I just realized, the dc-dc converter approach would not have a "combine" option - correct? I guess a set of jumper cabl...