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Steve Mitchell
Steve Mitchell
Joined: March 29, 2018 11:52 pm
Last seen: September 28, 2024 11:37 am
Topics: 2 / Replies: 106
RE: Interface NEMA 2000 and SeaTalk ng

The only thing you need to verify is your termination count. SeaTalkNG and NMEA 2000 are essentially the same, and by connecting them with that cable,...

6 years ago
RE: Interface NEMA 2000 and SeaTalk ng

If you have space on a SeaTalkNG 5 way connector or similar, you can purchase Raymarine part number A06045, which is a SeaTalkNG to NMEA 2000 (commonl...

6 years ago
RE: New boat -- mix electronics or one brand only?

I think Ben distilled the major points very well in mixing brands. I myself am trying to figure out a whole new suite of instruments for my new-to-me ...

6 years ago
RE: Choosing a chart plotter & radar

The TZT2 12" is a good option. I had looked at it originally, but wasn't happy with the autopilot offering. I need to go back to Furuno and find out i...

6 years ago
RE: Choosing a chart plotter & radar

Thanks for the quick update, Ben. Definitely looking forward to more data when you have good weather! We have lots of windstorms this time of the year...

6 years ago
RE: Choosing a chart plotter & radar

Thanks for the suggestion Steve - the Fantom would definitely be the radar I would go with if I were choosing Garmin, not the xHD, that was my mistake...

6 years ago
RE: Choosing a chart plotter & radar

Thanks Ben! I've personally used all 4 major manufacturers very recently, and I prefer the UI and usability of Raymarine and/or Garmin. The others not...

6 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 4770
RE: Best small, maybe portable, GPS/plotter for sailboat helm?

I personally like the B&G Vulcan 5 - I have one that I bought to be portable-ish and usable on a dinghy or other small boat. They were on sale at ...

6 years ago
RE: Getting Two B&G Zeus MFD's to Share Charts

I've had some bad experiences with the NEP and connecting it to upstream switches. In at least 5 cases, I have removed the larger NEP-5 and added a Ne...

6 years ago
RE: Garmin VHF AIS confusion

I agree with Jonathan about the transmit power. I wrote about the AMEC SOTDMA transponder here and one of the main benefits to me on the sailboat was...

6 years ago
RE: Garmin VHF AIS confusion

Hi Paul, I think there may be some terminology mixed up in your first sentence. There are actually two classes of AIS transponders - class A and clas...

6 years ago
RE: Chart cartridges for original Simrad Evo NSS 12

I remember using an NSS 12 and writing about it aton a boat I had a few years ago (looks like 8 years ago). It definitely uses SD cards for charts, as...

6 years ago
RE: Firefly battery quality?

Hi Mic, I have been using 3 on my boat now for more than 2 years, and have not had any issues. I know a bunch of other people locally in the Seattle ...

6 years ago
RE: Replacing or repairing my 4.25" Standard Horizon DS45 Depth Sounder

Peter, You can get the Actisense DST-2 from a number of vendors in the US - a quick Google Search turned up NavStore, iMarine, and WMJ Marine - all w...

7 years ago
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