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Bill Kearney
Bill Kearney
Eminent Member
Joined: May 18, 2018 8:53 am
Last seen: August 1, 2024 7:48 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 37
RE: Simnet Deterioration

You're not alone. I had similar issues with some Simnet gear in our 2005 Eastbay 47. Plastic just crumbled.

7 months ago
RE: Engine data on plotter and analog gauges

The downside to alerts is you don't always see them, and few of the plotters/gauges I've seen have decent ways to see a history of the alerts. No arg...

9 months ago
RE: Glomex 4G Plus EVO and T-Mobile problems

It's entirely possible that the plan you have on that SIM won't use the celluar radio in the Glomex. T-mobile is sometimes 'picky' that way. Ask the...

9 months ago
RE: Engine data on plotter and analog gauges

Bear in mind there's not a lot of extra room on most chart plotters to display enough engine data to be useful. You end up having to switch between p...

9 months ago
RE: B&G/router ethernet addressing

I don't know how B&G handles it on their gear, but others like Furuno and Raymarine do not tend to support using external DHCP. It's the chart pl...

2 years ago
RE: Older mercruiser to vesselview and smartcraft

The first thing to as is where do you think you're going to be reading the info that the gauges provide?Because if you're thinking "everything will ge...

2 years ago
RE: NOAA vs AquaMap USACE depth charting

good point regarding lack of data beyond well-traveled routes.

2 years ago
RE: NOAA vs AquaMap USACE depth charting

Yes, while you were replying I was over reading their website reading more about it.I've been tempted to sign up and get my depth sensor readings inte...

2 years ago
RE: NOAA vs AquaMap USACE depth charting

Where was the tide when those AquaMaps were collected? Is that showing MLW or actual values?

2 years ago
RE: Integrating Fusion audio with Raymarine Classic

It's accurate advice to say it's best to keep Fusion's WiFi disabled, and go hard-wired. Their support for WiFi (both as the radio acting to PROVIDE ...

2 years ago
RE: Integrating Fusion audio with Raymarine Classic

Does an E80 even have support for controlling a radio like a Fusion? I had an E80 several years ago and don't recall it having any features like that...

2 years ago
RE: Raymarine interface to Garmin

There are things that can combine/share 0183 data. Yacht Devices makes a router that'll handle NMEA 0183 in-out and N2K.But understand that most rada...

4 years ago
RE: J1939 to Cummins...?

I hear you, and hope you're correct, but as I work with more N2K and CAN bus devices I've learned not to assume anything when it comes to vendor imple...

4 years ago
RE: J1939 to Cummins...?

Ask Garmin if the 1243 (I'm assuming you meant that, not 2143) is able to display engine data from the N2K bus, or if it's only capable of displaying ...

4 years ago
RE: J1939 to Cummins...?

There's more than one question here. One being are the engines using their own individual J1939 buses or are they networked together? They could be ...

4 years ago
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