Yearly Archive: 2004

Air-conditioning on board 0

Air-conditioning on board

Over at Nautical Web, a do-it-yourself-guide for the installation of an air-conditioning system. Even if you do not plan to do it yourself, this article can be very interesting since it offers good background...

Deserting the Corner Office 0

Deserting the Corner Office

Straightforward column in Yachting that discusses the different options for connecting your boat to the internet. As we know, different options are available depending on your specific requirements. Expect more developments in the near...

Networked electronics packages 0

Networked electronics packages

Networked systems, allowing you to have integrated access to all relevant data on one display, are all the rage these days. Over at they have a review of two high-end systems: Furuno vs....

Seamless internet connectivity on board 0

Seamless internet connectivity on board

Several companies are offering solutions that allow users to seamlessly roam between different types of (data and voice) networks, based on availability, but also preferences like bandwith and cost. Typically these solutions are hardware...

Security Alert System for Yachts 0

Security Alert System for Yachts

KVH has developed a new system, eTrac, allowing crew to send out an emergency message containing realt-time position data. Other systems are availaible, but this complies with all new standards like SOLAS and has...

When GPS fails 0

When GPS fails

When GPS fails, it’s good to be able to use celestial navigation. A new product is available that will allow you to use it faster. “After many years of effort, the PROFIX 2004 software...