Yearly Archive: 2004

A wireless network on your boat? 0

A wireless network on your boat?

Since boats are increasingly stuffed with electronics (instrumental, entertainment, camera’s etc), it might make sense to network your boat. And if you do so, consider to create a wireless network since not many boats...

Custom made protective gadget cases 0

Custom made protective gadget cases

Since mobile phones are a great way for coastal sailors to stay in touch with the rest of the world, it might be wise to protect them, just like some of the other on-board...

The infinite shore-power cord 0

The infinite shore-power cord

Further to the discussion on how to create enough power resources for all electric appliances on board, Ocean Navigator has another article, elaborating (subscription required) in more depth on how to acquire the necessary...

Plug and play for boat networks 0

Plug and play for boat networks

Although it has a slow uptake, the NMEA 2000 standard is gaining ground (subscription required). However, it will not be the only networking technology used on yachts, since especially entertainment functionality will require a...

Surfing at Sea 0

Surfing at Sea

Ocean Navigator runs a nice review of several systems currently available for accessing the internet while at sea. Although they miss important (future) players like Boeing’s Connexion and Sea Tel’s WaveCall, it’s still worth...

Print-on-demand plan treats charts as data 0

Print-on-demand plan treats charts as data

Although printing-on-demand is not necessarly a good distribution model (compare printed newspapers), the market for printing electronic charts might be a very interesting one. Especially as long as sailors will want to use (updated)...