WiFi, an interesting hybrid and a damn rip-off

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

7 Responses

  1. Dan Gingras says:

    Do you know if Network Stumbler (A great free piece of software for finding WIFI WAPs) sees Boingo AP’s?
    I’ve been using Network Stumbler with a High Power Buffalo card and a high gain Yagi and can get connections over a mile away.

  2. navnut says:

    Dan, I have Net Stumbler (a good program, agreed) on this laptop, but it does not see Boingo, just the Wayport APs. Obviously, Boingo doesn’t have its own physical APs here, just an agreement with Wayport…and a wildly different pricing scheme! I’ll check some airports tomorrow and report back.

  3. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Boingo worked at at least one Miami Airport Delta gate. Forgot to try Net Stumbler but very much doubt that it was visible by anything but Boingo software, though there was a somewhat obscure way to get to it through the airport’s sign up page. No Boingo or anything else at my Atlanta gate.

  4. John Navas says:

    What’s truly “unfortunate” are the abusers of open Wi-Fi access points, part of the reason that more and more access points are being closed/secured.
    While I do use Wi-Fi when it’s legitimately available, my most reliable means of marine Internet access is cellular data. The PC card for my laptop cost only about $50 (used) on eBay, and unlimited data costs me only $20 per month with Cingular. Download speed is up to about 20 KBytes/sec. Range offshore is up to about 20 miles (depending on location). For more info, see the Cingular Wireless FAQ I founded at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cingular_Wireless_FAQ
    See also “Wi-Fi on a Boat”, part of the Wireless Wiki I founded, at http://wireless.wikia.com/wiki/Wi-Fi_on_a_Boat
    -John Navas

  5. Network Stumbler no doubt works at a lower level (with reference to the common Network Model) than what the Boingo Software is doing. I’m not sure about this but they could sign-on temporarily to open WiFi Access Points and Query for and indication that it is Boingo enabled. Or maybe that one shown in the screen shot just has its network name (SSID) called “Boingo”. From what I remember of Boingo anyone could set up a HotSpot and join Boingo.
    John Navas does have a fantastic Wireless Wiki Web Site. It is true as well that Cellular Broadband on Marine is becoming more and more popular especially with boats that remain in and near the US cell signals most of the time.
    Also what John says about people (even on yachts) connecting to open personal WiFi 802.11 Access points and using someone’s private network, is not a nice thing to do. And that could get you in legal trouble if anyone were to pursue it.
    It’s better to stick to Public Hotspots. You can usually tell when the wifi connection doesn’t take you right to the Internet, but takes you to the Hotspot Owners Special Page (it will do that no matter what web site location you enter.) where you have to at least sign in with some information. Some of them will give you Internet for 24-hours at no cost. Others require a credit card to sign on for a period of time (you create an account and get a username and password.)

    Alan Spicer

  6. Oh, I forgot to ask…
    Is that Hybrid thing still available from GeoSat/Syrens? I don’t see it on their web pages anywhere. And I haven’t seen one yet on a yacht.

    Alan Spicer

  7. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    It was a prototype Syrens was showing in Miami, Alan; I should have been clearer about that.

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