ACR and Ocean Signal add AIS to Personal Locator Beacons, with cherries on top

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

12 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    As I was saying about having multiple means of communication when the sh*t hits the fan:

    Raindancer’s VHF and EPIRB were the first defense, but an Iridium GO with PredictWind and a Spot tracker were also involved in the rescue, and even Starlink according to this Loose Cannon report:

  2. Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

    I chaired the Innovation Awards at the Maimi International Boat Show where we awarded the PLB’s innovations in the safety category. I also got to see both units in the flesh. ACR’s Mikele D’Arcangelo can be seen holding the award recipient in the above photo. I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a unit and getting to test the application functionality further. I’m hoping never to test the distress signalling capabilities.

    -Ben S.

  3. Adam Spiegel Adam Spiegel says:

    Great post! While I love the PLB3 feature set, in discussing the device via email with a technical sales manager at Spinlock and with the owner of a major US sailing / safety equipment retailer, both advised that the PLB3 would be a very tight fit for a Deckvest PFD and both advised against expecting that the device would work in this application. But neither had actually tried fitting one as of the time they offered that advice. Until we see that it actually fits we’re holding off on buying them.

  4. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    I’ve had an ACR AIS PLB for about a month and testing has gone well. For instance, my second GNSS test showed that a 3D fix was attained almost instantly with accuracy estimated at below a meter, and that was inside Gizmo’s main cabin, though below a large forward window. Also, the AIS portion of the test set off appropriate alarms and test MoB routines on the boat’s Vesper Cortex and Simrad GO5.

    I did have trouble with the app, however. Though it had worked fine on my Android phone during initial tests, last week it showed an odd error message and failed to upload more recent tests and usage info from the PLB. Also, ACR tech support was slow to respond and then only kicked the issue to the app developers, who I never heard from. However, a new 2.3.3 version of the Android app just auto-updated on my phone and works fine, no testing or battery usage data lost.

    I want to emphasize that the beacon itself seems to work exactly as promised. But my experience is a reminder about how adding an app to a relatively small volume and lightly used marine product can go awry. It’s obvious now that the “ACR Product App” v2.3.2 update was auto-applied to my phone about two weeks ago although it had a bug few users may have noticed. Note that v2.3.2 of the Ocean Signal Android app had the same problem, and apparently so did the iOS version of the app, now corrected in v1.7.5 (which I have not tested because it turns out that no iPad model includes the required NFC communications).

    At any rate, I plan some more testing, including auto-activation by lifejacket inflation, and then an entry about how to get familiar with this amazing safety technology.

  5. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Auto activation of the ACR AIS PLB by lifejacket inflation worked the first time, and I had fun with my patient brother-in-law at the same time:

  6. Sabado says:

    The removal of DSC is such a shame as that activation would wake everyone onboard very quickly!

    Also a shame that the non user replaceable batteries don’t last as long as Ocean Signal claims. We’ve lost a number of these units to dead batteries within a couple of years.

    To OS’s credit, they have always offered to replace the battery but that can be difficult in remote locations.

  7. Srikumar Balachandran says:

    Hi! I require a small clarification.
    I recently purchased a ResQLink AIS PLB.
    I have carried out the self test and GNSS test with pass results on both.
    I wanted to check, if during these tests the device actually shows up on the AIS? Or if that is only going to happen when the PLB is deployed for real (i.e. not in testing).

    Thank you

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      Hi Srikumar. Yes, when you did the full GNSS test, the beacon should have transmitted the AIS MoB / SART test message. I’ve seen it work several times with the ACR AIS PLB (same as yours) that I’m testing, and had several devices on my boat like Vesper Cortex, Simrad NSS, and Furuno TZT2 recognize the signal as an AIS MoB beacon test and plot its position. But that didn’t happen until the very end of the test when the beacon had a valid GNSS position. Examples of what you should see toward the bottom of this entry:

      • Srikumar Balachandran says:

        Hi Ben, Thank you for the response. I just tried the GNSS test, it is logging in the app (PASS) for me, However, there is no information on the AIS (Furuno) or Chart plotter which gets the feed from the AIS. I tried the test twice both times it passed and is logged in the application on my smart phone, just that I cannot see the message on the AIS, do you have any idea If I am missing something?

        • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

          Well, MoB beacon AIS is a low power signal and I think that the test message with position may only get sent once, but I’ve had a high rate of testing success with numerous beacons over the years. In fact, I tested my ACR AIS PLB inside my boat’s cabin with the AIS antenna directly above, though only about 12 feet away. Are there any nearby boats that can check their AIS when you do a test, or do you know someone with an AIS beacon you could test on your boat? If possible, I’d try one of those options before contacting ACR technical support or the dealer you purchased the beacon from.

          PS I don’t know the age and model of your AIS or plotter, but even if they are old and were never programmed to recognize AIS beacons, they should still show a standard AIS target right where you tested.

  8. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Note that beacon development is not stopping with AIS PLB’s like these. At METS, MRT showed sMRT Alert AIS MoB beacons that include VHF DSC in a way defined by a new Class M standard that’s becoming mandatory in some countries, as well as an NFC testing app similar to the ACR / OS app discussed above :

    They also showed a prototype sMRT Shield+ AIS PLB with all the ACR/OS features discussed above plus Class M DSC. The sMRT Alert should become official pretty soon, but I don’t know the sMRT Shield+ will become available. I also don’t know which VHF radio models properly respond to a Class M DSC MoB alert message.

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