New AIS brands: Em-Trak, Digital Deep Sea, & Watcheye

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

62 Responses

  1. Hendrik says:

    My Transas CTRX and Nais 300 also talk to Wingps for years, so nothing new there

  2. Sandy Daugherty says:

    The Em-trak manual for the 100B appears to be very well organized; it looks like something Garmin would publish!

  3. Hendrik says:

    Yep Emtrak 100B looks great. Asked for pricing and availability.

  4. Looks like nice stuff. Too bad they still have not produced a Class B N2k transceiver – even though it looks like SRT is making that module available?

  5. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Chris, the Em Trak B100 definitely has N2K output, and the evidence suggests that is based on SRT’s Cobalt Class B technology. I think the other two Class B transponders shown are based on the previous generation SRT circuit boards.

  6. Ben;
    The Em Trak 100 looks great – I just wish it was a transmitter as well. I guess what I am looking for is an reasonably priced Class B, N2k transponder.

  7. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Chris, the Em Trak B100 is a transponder, which of course means that it is a transmitter and a dual channel receiver; the R100 is ‘just’ a dual channel receiver. Both have USB, NMEA 0183, and NMEA 2000 outputs.

  8. Ben,
    You are right – I was looking at the link you provided above, and did not notice it was for a different product! Sorry about the confusion. I will Keep an eye out for when it comes on the market – hopefully at an attractive price!

  9. Shane says:

    I’ve sent off an email query re: ETA & anticipated $$$ for north american release. I’ll update here upon reply.

  10. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    I remembered that there’s another AIS device that can be powered by USB, and that’s the Vesper WatchMate 850 transponder. It won’t transmit when powered that way, and the screen is dimmer, but it can still be used as a full on AIS receiver and GPS, which might be handy. Vesper, incidentally, designs its own AIS hardware, and its latest products have a built in anchor alarm:
    Also, I left a phone message with Em Trak yesterday morning but haven’t heard back.

  11. Jim Hebert Jim Hebert says:

    Based on the data and specifications for the EM-TRAK R100, I don’t see that the device has an NMEA-2000 interface. The R100 appears to have only an NMEA-0183 interface and a USB interface.
    Also, the instruction manual does not mention USB drivers that are compatible with MacOS.
    Compare at:
    When you move up the product line to the B100 transceiver, there is NMEA-2000 connectivity and MacOS support mentioned.

  12. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Thanks, Jim! You are absolutely right, the R100 does not have an N2K port, and I’ve corrected the text above. I must have gotten the brochures confused.

  13. Hendrik says:

    I’ve got one an answer on my questions.
    Rest, about pricing, is coming
    The B100 will be launched to market the end of July 2011

  14. Anon says:

    Hi Ben and readers. If you look at the Em-Trak site, you will spot virtually ALL SRT’s AIS offerings, some changed cosmetically a little as you say. If you dig further, like into who owns En-Trak, you find out that it is SRT! Or at least 3 of their current directors! So despite the fact that many hard-working OEM clients have paid them considerable sums as license fees to use their technology inside OEM products, having received promises that SRT want to be a technology-enabler like ‘Intel Inside’ and would never compete directly in the market, here they are doing just that! Their technology is good, but as for the rest…..

  15. says:

    Comar also has a USB powered AIS receiver:

  16. Sandy Daugherty says:

    Sigh. If SRT is competing with its clients, then its a given their products will be a bit pricier than others, to preserve a market share for SRT’s principle business, OEM. If not the market will shrink to just those who develop their own boards. How predatory will SRT be?
    I had hoped that AIS B pricing would drop to the “Why not?” threshold; crossing crises would drop from routine to rare, and even the bandit boaters would have them.

  17. Hendrik says:

    Still no price.
    Suppose I connect a actisense to my ctrx to make it nmea2000

  18. Noel says:

    West Marine has the B100 listed on-line at $499.99, although they don’t have any in stock. Port Supply is a good deal less.
    My order is in.

  19. Matt S. says:

    I know there was a debate about using your VHF antenna for both VHF and AIS, and how the old Raymarine AIS 500 model had a built in splitter … but many believed the loss due to the splitter was large and didn’t want to limit there VHF in anyway …
    But did anyone see the S100 by em-trak … they seem to say it is an amplified “zero-loss” insertion splitter for AIS and VHF (though I wish they had SO-239 instead of BNC as the AIS connector … which is easily adaptable).
    I have to believe the new Raymarine AIS 650, with an ICOM M604 VHF, both connected to a em-trak S100 … and then up the mast with some high quailty low-loss cable to a nice antenna might be one awesome AIS / VHF solution.

  20. knot@work says:

    Xanatos Marine has the em-trak B100’s on their online store for $499.99 and are in-stock… just got mine ordered today!

  21. Jim Hebert Jim Hebert says:

    The EM-TRAK R100 AIS receiver has been listed in the West Marine catalogue for some time, but with a notation of “out of stock” and a price of around $190. I noticed that just recently the status changed to “in stock” but the price has been increased to $220.
    The EM-TRAK B100 AIS transponder Class-B is now also noted as “in stock” and selling for $550.

  22. Jim Hebert Jim Hebert says:

    I put together a mobile AIS ship spotting system using an em-trak R100 AIS receiver. For some images and details see my article at

  23. Hubert says:

    we are using the transponder version – the B100 – since some weeks onboard with OpenCPN (on WinXP in that case). There have been some quirks with the USB connection but em-trak ironed those out in the meantime. Very responsive support team by the way.

  24. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Hi Jim,
    That’s a great article about installing and using your new AIS receiver. Thanks for linking.
    I was going to suggest that you share your receive data on one of the Web AIS trackers, but found that the Detroit area is already pretty well covered at There are two north bound ships about to go under the Ambassador Bridge right now! You may enjoy checking it out. I sure wish my area was covered like yours.

  25. Larry Brandt says:

    At our Portland Yacht Club education dock this AM (the OTHER Portland, although named after yours) our WM guest speaker was describing the Em-Trek B-100, now in stock. I drove by WM afterwards and had a look.
    It’s a class B transceiver with an SD card slot. Very nice packaging, and you can buy it and take it away, and install it immediately as receive-only. To activate the transmitter you go to their website and enter a purchase password, your MMSI, vessel and owner data, then they send you an SD card with all info needed to program the unit. Stick it in the card slot, and once the unit is programmed (instructions seemed dead simple) a green light appears and the SD card is erased. You’re good to go.
    Very nice packaging, plastic case, easy mounting, not waterproof but that doesn’t concern me. A silent mode. Price is a little over $500. I wonder if anyone has had personal experience with one, good or bad, before I lay out my credit card?

  26. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    I have not tried one, Larry, but I suspect it’s a fine Class B and a good value. I also think that it’s a close relative to the Raymarine AIS650 ( ) and note that the 650 manual describes the same slick SD card vessel configuration. Note also the SD card can also log voyage info, though I’m not sure what the format is or what software can read it. I’d like to try either or both of these 3rd generation transponders myself but would also welcome a reader review.

  27. Jim Hebert Jim Hebert says:

    Thanks for the information on the post-sale programming of the em-trak B100 AIS Class-B Transponder. I was wondering how the manufacturer was going to implement the FCC requirement that AIS Class B transponders in the USA cannot be program by the owner with their static data, as PANBO explained in
    It appears em-trak have come up with a crafty method.

  28. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    The Em-Trak S100 AIS/VHF antenna splitter has now joined its economical Class B transponder and receiver at West Marine:
    All AIS antenna splitters are not the same and I understand that this one is very effective.

  29. Ian says:

    I purchased an Em-Trak B100 and have had endless problems since its install, and no solutions as yet from their tech support. It is connected to my computer via the Provided USB cord. It appears to be working fine, but eventually starts dropping targets. Over a matter of sometimes 20 minutes and sometimes 2 hours I loose complete contact with the AIS. This has happened on two different computers one running XP with VNS10.7 and another running Windows 7 with Odyssey. I have also ran their software ProAIS2 on both computers all with the same result. The only way to reset everything is to reboot the computer. I have also had problems with the SD card logging. I used an SD card to upgrade the B100 software as per tech support. This worked. I then tried logging data for tech support. The B100 did not acknowledge the SD card. I reformatted the card and tried again. It started ok created the dat file but then started cycling through the LED lights end result no data.

  30. Hendrik says:

    Never got an answer from them.
    Am glad I bought a digital yacht nmea2000 transponder

  31. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    I have a B100 and S100 in for testing and to get them installed on Giizmo next week. The B100 already did fine powering on USB and connecting with ProAIS2 for programming.

  32. Anonymous says:

    I’ve had contact daily with tech support for about 10 days. Today a tech phoned me from England. They are convinced that the B100 was rebooting either because of a fault or a power interruption. I’m confident that my power source and wiring is stable so that leaves the unit. The USB connection gets screwed up with the reboot. I have not tried wiring the NMEA output to a RS232 plug because I purchased this product for the USB connection. I suspect that had I wired it using NMEA 0183 the problem would never have revealed itself.
    Another B100 was shipped to me late this afternoon from the local supplier. Hopefully this is the end of the problem.

  33. ereiss says:

    A noobie question.
    Are there any compatibility issues to be understood in selecting an AIS transponder/transceiver with N2k capability to work with my Simrad NSS MFD? My first thought is that n2k is n2k and there should be no issues but just wanted to ask people who are much smarter than am I.
    Thank you for the help.

  34. norse says:

    That is a hard question because it still does not have a satisfactory answer. Please talk to Simrad support and report back. There are a few n2k Class B AIS transponders now and I think they will all work fine except for one thing: no Navico MFD will show the Class B static data (like the boat’s name). They do not support AIS message 24. In their PGN list you will see 129039 and 129040 but not 129809 and 129810. Kees determined that the NAIS-300 uses the proprietary PGN 130842, but the NSS does not list that either. The Simrad AI50 spec also only lists only 129039 and 129040 and not 129809 and 129810 (or 130842).
    Another option is to use a non-n2k AIS and use the Actisense n2k-0183 gateway to connect. The ngw-1-iso-ais converts AIS data and the ngw-1-iso can also convert it with a firmware update. But will the NSS display the Class B static data?
    AIS message 19 is interesting. It is supposed to be for Class B and have some static data. (PGN 129040). But according to wikipedia: “This message was designed for the SOTDMA protocol, and is too long to be transmitted as CSTDMA” (too long for Class B equipment). So that is why message 24 was added later and two more PGNs were needed. I can’t explain why Navico hasn’t updated their firmware yet.

  35. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Norse describes the unusual Navico PGN issue pretty well, except that my recollection is that it only pertains to the Navico transponders, not the displays. I’m not sure of that, though, but it happens I have an NSS8, an NSE12 and new Em-Trak B100 all about to install on Gizmo, so please stand by…

  36. norse says:

    That makes two questions.
    Which Class B n2k transponders fully support the new PGNs?
    Comar AIS-2-2000
    PGN list — good
    Garmin AIS 600
    PGN list — good
    Navico NAIS-300
    PGN list — old style only
    Raymarine AIS 650
    no PGN documentation found
    em-trak B100
    no PGN documenation found
    Actisense ngw-1-iso-ais (gateway only)
    PGN list
    Which Class B n2k transponders work with Navico MFDs?
    There was one report of a Lowrance HDS display showing Class B static data from a non-Navico transponder. I have the latest HDS (gen1) update and it does not work for me, so I think it was mistaken. I don’t know anything about the NSS except what I read in the manual, but the supported PGN list does not look good for AIS Class B. I look forward to more user reports.

  37. ereiss says:

    I received the following response from Simrad:
    I checked and do not see the B100 on a list of certified products, nor does EM Trak list the PGN’s for N2K in their manual, there is no guarantee that the N2K connection would work flawlessly. Best bet for fool proof connection would be via NMEA 0183 output at 38,400bd into the NMEA 0183 input of the NSS.
    When I went to the nmea site I found it had been certified.
    em-trak Marine Electronics
    Forum 3 Parkway
    Solent Business Park (Whiteley)
    Fareham, PO15 7FH
    United Kingdom
    em-trak B100
    Certification Level: B
    Software Version: 0402000.01.00.xx
    Hardware Version: 1
    Model #: B100
    Date Certified: 6/8/2011
    AIS Class B Transceiver

  38. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Right, it’s been certified for a year, as I mentioned in the entry above! But actually the PGNs a device transmits and receives is not part of the certification process — it would get far too complex — though a certified product is supposed to have them listed in the manual or online. Em-trak seems to have failed in that department but I’d be extremely surprised if it didn’t output all the standard N2K AIS PGNs.
    The only reason the early N2K transponders from Navico didn’t send a standard Class B Static Data PGNs is because the NMEA was slow to write them (though that doesn’t explain why Navico didn’t fix them after the PGNs became official).
    At any rate, my follow up question to Simrad would simply be, “If an AIS transponder or receiver outputs standard NMEA 2000 PGNs for Class A and Class B dynamic and static data, will the NSS understand it.”
    It will probably be Friday or later before I can test this myself.

  39. norse says:

    The em-trak PGNs are online and are the up-to-date ones. See my message which is stuck in moderation (too many links?)
    Simrad’s suggestion to use NMEA 0183 would certainly work, but it doesn’t answer the question about which n2k PGNs the NSS can understand.

  40. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    You’re right, Norse; your earlier comment — which is a great piece research — was stuck in the spam folder. It’s up now (above) and won’t happen again, though, as I raised both your “trust” level and the number of links that define a spam comment.
    However, you didn’t seem to find an Em-Trak PGN list either. I’ll bug them (and Raymarine) about this, as I’m sure they don’t want to be out of NMEA 2000 compliance ;-), and I’ll also get on my own testing. I fear I missed an annoying but very fixable issue here. Good work, Norse!

  41. norse says:

    Sorry about misremembering the em-trak results. To make up for that, I have found the Raymarine AIS650 PGN list. Their EU site was easier to search for manuals. The doc says the AIS650 does support the new Class B PGNs and it does not list support for the outdated 129040 PGN.
    “AIS350 and AIS650 Installation Instructions 87140-2.EN”
    (AIS, Installation Guides, English) section 2.11
    The US site only has the User Manual.

  42. norse says:

    aargh… The US Raymarine site does have the AIS650 install manual but it leaves out the PGN table, even though the two (different) documents have the same title and document number and date. There is a slight difference in the file name: the US one is 87140-2.pdf, the EU English version is 87140-2-EN.pdf
    (In the non-English versions it’s in section 2.6)

  43. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Norse, you have already earned yourself a distinctive Panbo hat (please email USPS address), but what about Digital Yacht and Vesper? Plus I just learned that Si-Tex has an N2K Class B too. It was probably made in the same factory as the Em-Trak but it has a handy internal GPS antenna and is priced similarly:

  44. Anonymous says:

    To conclude my earlier post of the problem I was having with the B100 the continuous random rebooting of the unit continued even with a replacement unit . Needless to say after exhaustive diagnostics, I’ve given up on the product and returning it for a refund. It’s back to the drawing board on finding a replacement.
    As a recap, I kept loosing the pc connection on the USB. It turned out that the unit is randomly rebooting and locking up the USB port. Tech support thought that my power supply was causing the reboots. I eliminated that possibility by rewiring the power supply. Tech support also thought it might be a fault with the antenna during transmissions although the signal was 1.3:1 as recommended and the reboots continued even when the transmitter was turned off. These random reboots are not readily apparent (unless you stare at the LED’s) if you are connected via NMEA0183 through a serial port as it is not as sensitive as the USB connections but the unit is still rebooting. Using the NMEA 0183 connection gave me stable data (with the exception of an occasional reboot) on Nobeltec Odyssey, but I could not complete the connection on ProASI2 as too much garbage was coming over ther serial connection. So there seemed to be a compatibility issue here as well.

  45. Bruce says:

    I am using the Em-Trak B100 with Simnet and it displays static AIS data on my Zeus MFD. It also sends AIS data to Maxsea TZ on my PC via USB without any problems.

  46. norse says:

    Thanks Ben! Your challenge was very interesting — there is lots of N2K AIS activity and the products look good and the search for info on new products always finds links back to Panbo.
    Digital Yacht AIS200N2
    “Guide d’installation & de démarrage,
    Récepteur AIS200N2 Tri-Output AIS”
    Dont’s worry that the manual is in French, the PGN table is in English and all the Class B AIS ones are there.
    VDM(!) AIS VHF Data-link Messages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 18, 19 & 24 129038, 129793, 129794, 129039, 129040, 129809, 129810
    VDO(!) AIS VHF Data-link Own-vessel report: 1, 2, 3, 5, 18, 19 & 24 129038, 129794, 129039, 129040, 129809, 129810
    The unit has a built in nmea0183 to nmea2000 convertor/multiplexer, so it also converts other nmea0183 messages to nmea2000 PGNs.
    Digital Yacht AIS200N2NET
    The manual is only in Spanish (so far, I guess, new product)
    The PGN list is on page 4 and it has all the Class B ones.
    “the AIS200N2NET supports all of the latest AIS message types including AIS SARTs, AtoNs and base stations.”
    Digital Yacht AIT2000
    “With two industry standard NMEA 0183 outputs, our own N2Net connector for plugging in to an NMEA 2000 network and a simple plug and play USB connection to a PC”. no list though.
    SI-TEX Metadata Class B Transceiver MDA-1
    “Built in NMEA0183, USB and NMEA2000”
    It’s on their 2012 price list (page 6), but the PR for it isn’t even on their web site yet, much less the manuals.
    Defender has this (as Ben noted above), no mention of PGNs supported though:
    “NMEA2000® Edition 2.20” — this evidently includes all additions and corrections except possibly the AtoN PGN #129041
    Vesper Marine Box AIS XB-8000 WiFi Transponder
    “offers NMEA 2000 support”
    “currently pending FCC approval”
    Vesper Watchmate Vision
    Ben knows more about this one than Vesper does 😉
    NMEA 2000 AIS updates
    “AIS PGN Update” expected March 2012 — no details

  47. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Bruce, Are you sure your B&G Zeus (same as Simrad NSE) is seeing the static data being transmitted by Class B transponders? Norse’s research indicates that it doesn’t understand the Class B Static Data PGNs coming in from your B100 over SimNet/N2K, and Simrad seemed to confirm that in a support email to “ereiss” (the commenter above who brought this up).

  48. norse says:

    Bruce, there is no problem displaying AIS Class A static data over n2k, so my first question is are you sure you are seeing any Class B traffic and that the boat names are displayed for them? My second question is are you sure it’s coming in by n2K? (other methods don’t have this problem.) It’s possible that your unit has an upgrade which hasn’t made it into the documentation yet; we can always hope.
    When I look at the Simrad web pages, they only mention the NAIS-300 and the AI50. Here is the PGN list for the Simrad NSE (page 11):
    It does not list the new Class B PGNs, it only lists the old ones and the Navico proprietary ones.
    It’s just a simple matter of programming, so I don’t understand why Navico doesn’t get right on it.

  49. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Norse, I’m sorry to report that so far your conclusions are validated. A Simrad NSS8 connected via SimNet/N2K to an Em-Trak B100 does not display Class B static data. Navico should be shamed about this, especially as I’m pretty sure they could be supporting both the N2K standard PGN and the proprietary one coming out of their own transponders. More to come…

  50. Bruce says:

    norse, I doublechecked my Zeus and sure enough, it only displays class A AIS static data.

  51. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Doh! The Raymarine e7 is not seeing Class B static data over N2K either. But I know that the Em-Trak BB100 is putting out good data because I can see in the Actisense NMEAReader and on Coastal Explorer. Hard to believe these guys didn’t fix this!

  52. norse says:

    Hmmm, the Raymarine AIS650 claims to support the E-series with n2k, but the E-series Installation Guide does not list the correct set of PGNs for that to happen. It only shows the old set of Class B PGNs. (page 109)
    The E-series User Reference Guide (page 152)
    has a statement which I think is partially incorrect:

    Not all AIS units will decode all the available AIS information. For example, some AIS Class B receivers do not decode and output information such as the vessel’s name, IMO number, vessel draft / beam / length, and destination.

    Some of that info is only sent by Class A units. I haven’t heard of any Class B unit which does not decode and output Class B static information over NMEA0183, so we should not confuse AIS decoding and N2K output.

  53. Anonymous says:

    we are using the B100 since October 2011 first with OpenCPN 2.5 and since last week with OpenCPN 3.0
    and there are no problems with Class B static data.
    Btw.: you might give a try to OpenCPN 3.0 and AIS as it covers a lot of AIS functionalities
    – AIS input with full target tracking and collision alerting.
    – AIS support for SART, DSC and GPSGate Buddies.
    – a neat AIS “radar style” plug-in for those who like this type of graphics
    – AIS binary Area messages basic support
    Details here:

  54. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Norse, you’re looking at the older E-Wide Series while I’m testing on the new e-Series, which I presumed would have this NMEA 2000 AIS issue straightened out. I presumed wrong! The manual, which applies to all the c- and e-Series, is here:
    and the NMEA 2000 sentence (PGN) list is on page 270. PGNs 129809 and 129810 — the part a & b Class B static data messages — are not there. I’m going to do more experiments today but this is beginning to look like a terrible screw up.

  55. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    By the way, the c- and e-Series manual does not repeat that very odd warning about how some “AIS Class B receivers do not decode and output information such as the vessel’s name…” It would be true, however, to warn that some older Class A transponders do not decode and output the Class B static data message, though I think most of them are fixed now. That had nothing to do with NMEA 2000, except for the fact the change of the Class B static message led to NMEA being late with the equivalent PGN which led to some manufacturers inventing their own which led to the little mess we’re seeing today…many years late. ARGH!

  56. norse says:

    Here are some more N2K Class B AIS transponders
    CRTX Graphene (the one after Carbon)
    meets the latest standards
    SRT Neon2 (OEM only)
    meets the latest standards
    GME AIST120
    (based on SRT)
    meets the latest standards

  57. Dindo says:

    Is the Em-track R100 capable of saving AIS contacts to an SD card just like the B100 model?

  58. Jim Hebert Jim Hebert says:

    The em-trak R100 AIS receiver does not have an SecureData memory card slot.

  59. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Jim is correct. The R100 does have a case indent that looks like the SD card cover on the Em-Trak B100 but it doesn’t actually open.
    Also, I’m not sure that there are many ways to use the log data that can be collected on the B100’s SD card. I recall getting it to work with Coastal Explorer at one point, but I think it required a file name change. I was hoping that an MFD or two would learn how to read the file and replay a voyage with AIS targets, but don’t think it happened. Anyone figure out a way to play back these files?

  60. Jim Hebert Jim Hebert says:

    The data from an em-trak R100 can be streamed into a navigation application like PolarView NS from Polar Navy and recorded into a log file. The log file contains the NMEA-0183 sentences sent from the em-trak R100 as ASCII text.
    With PolarView NS the logged data can be played back and turned into a NMEA-0183 output storm. I have done this several times to test and compare how AIS data is displayed on different chart plotters.
    See my article, AIS SHIP SPOTTING, and see the section under the subheading PolarCom Input-Output Features:
    The article explains in detail how to log data to a file and how to replay the file and stream it to a NMEA-0183 output device. PolarView is particularly flexible in this regard. The article refers to a separate application, PolarCom. In the latest version of PolarView NS the features of PolarCom are integrated into the PolarView NS application.

  61. Jim Hebert Jim Hebert says:

    Oops–meant to write:
    With PolarView NS the logged data can be played back and turned into a NMEA-0183 output stream. (The spell checker in my new OS is driving my crazy with corrections like this.)
    Also in the linked article you can see detailed images showing the interior of the em-trak R100 receiver components. I have been using this device for several years, mostly from my car or my house and not on a boat, and have been very pleased with it.

  62. Norm Perron says:

    I recently started a new discussion group for various em-trak transponders including B100. I’m hoping this will be a repository of technical information of these great devices. My hope is everyone with an em-trak transponder join this discussion by sending an email to:
    [email protected]

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