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Actisense NGT-1 dat...
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Actisense NGT-1 data simulation app

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I need to provide simulated NMEA 2000 data to test instruments on the bench. I have an Actisense  NGT-1 USB to N2K gateway to connect with.

Can anyone recommend a software compatible with that gateway? I would like to simulate heading, position, wind, and other devices. I have the NMEA reader app running, but need both directions.

I run Linux and Win10.


Ben Stein
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Bruce, it doesn't use an NGT-1, but I run lots of data on test benches. Instead of simulated data, I use real data I've previously recorded. I use a Yacht Devices Voyage Recorder to record the data. Once the data is recorded, the recorder can then be flipped around into playback mode and it will then play the data. I usually leave the YDVR in looping mode so it just loops through the data repeatedly. I use a couple of hours worth of data and find it very helpful.

A less known trick is that the YDVR can record and playback most CanBUS data. I use it to playback J1939 and SmartCraft data as well.


-Ben S.


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Thanks Ben, looks like a good simple solution. You just connect it to a PC and edit the config file to enable play? I like giving the device under test real world data, but I also like the simulated data so I can verify that the device is displaying exactly what is sent.

Seems we could install it in a customer's boat for diagnosis later, bonus there. Might make the 250 bucks easier.

Jason Philbrook
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I use one of these. It's a USB gateway + software that simulates quite a few boating variables. Available from the website, or if you are a dealer, through gemeco.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Jason Philbrook

Kees Verruijt
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If you are comfortable with a (UNIX) command line, this will work:

git clone 
< samples/merrimac-2022.raw | ./util/replay | ./rel/*/actisense-serial -r /dev/ttyUSB0

Or some variation thereof. You can create your own logs using the `actisense-serial` program or use the supplied samples, then filter for the devices you want to simulate. The `replay` program in the middle of the pipeline feeds the sentences at the rate that they were originally produced.
