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NMEA 2000 for Ammet...
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NMEA 2000 for Ammeter

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Emery Weber
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I'd like to get rid of the two analog ammeters I have connected to my alternators and use NMEA 2000 to display how many amps they are putting out.

Seems like there should be a way to connect the wires from the shunts to some kind of converter that puts the amps reading onto my NMEA 2000 network, but I can't find a way to do it.

Is there a product out there that will take  resistive input from shunts and put out the correct NMEA2000 PGNs?


Ben Ellison
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Hi Emery, I'd like to be corrected, but I don't think that there is any such converter. In fact, there are darn few N2K amp sensors and they all seem to include their own shunts, like Maretron's DCM100, or are part of large monitoring/switching systems like CZone. Simarine seems to be doing more with current sensing than most sensor developers but I'm not sure their Pica fully supports N2K yet, see comments here:

I'm also told that the Victron Venus and BMV 712 I'm currently using will soon get much better at N2K output, but again that's a lot more gear than you're looking for.

Emery Weber
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Thanks for the response. I agree that a lot products, like the Maretron, seem like overkill just to measure amps.

This device does what I need:

Except that it doesn't output the right PGNs for amps.

I'll keep looking.
