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Garmin 8212 vintage 2015

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Apologies if this is covered here on the forum somewhere; I've had no luck with my searches. Ditto with hours spent looking online. Called Garmin, was told they no longer provide live support for this model. I suspect I got a untrained tech, may try that call again later.  Question is I hope a simple one that someone will be able to answer. Was privileged to hear Ben speak at the recent AGLCA rendezvous and realized this is the place to go. New to me boat. To my question: Currently have Garmin 8212, 2015, upper helm, Garmin 741XS, 2015, lower helm. Charts are 2015 vintage. Is it possible to buy or find charts that are newer/updated, and are they updated enough to make it worth while?  Actual navigation is done on a tablet with AquaMap and Navionics and iphones with similar. I don't need that on the 8212. Just would like to update the basic chart if feasible. My 8212 does not have wifi built in so no Active Captain. Amazon has a G2 chart on microSD for sale for $80, but it's 2010 vintage so no point there. Should I forget it and just navigate with tablet? Any thoughts will be most appreciated!

Butch Evans

Alcoa, TN

Bayliner 3788

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Solved.  My 8212, with the latest software version, works with the Bluechart G3 which I bought on an SD card.  2024 version so ten years update from what I had.  Better depth contours, which is what I was hoping for.  Two hundred bucks, but I'm happy to get the upgrade.  Navigation is done on AquaMaps and Navionics so this was not even really necessary, but worth it to me.


