RNC disruption, not as bad as it sounds?

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

4 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    This in from a well-informed reader:
    Your post was interesting this morning. There are a few ancillary facts, though, that are germane to the issues you presented, particularly concerning the NOAA RNC website, ECS charts and ECDIS.
    I don’t know if you’re aware, but the NOAA updates would not work unless a user had the uncorrected base charts that were included in Maptech’s old Professional Digital Chart kits. Recreational boaters almost never bought these, but these were a big seller to the US Coast Guard, who were a big user of Captain Voyager. So, for all practical purposes the updates on the NOAA website were useless because one needed to have the original uncorrected base charts loaded to apply the updates. Most users would have to download a complete new chart to obtain a corrected chart.
    I don’t believe that NOAA will have all of the ENC’s completed by 2010. We’ve been promised a complete US library for some time and NOAA doesn’t have the money. They still have to “borrow” money from the FAA to print paper charts. The real problem with not having ENC’s for the entire U.S., or rest of the world for that matter, is the International Maritime Organization (IMO) based in London and the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. The UKHO in particular insists that ENC’s be issued by an “Official Hydrographic Office”, mainly because the UKHO is trying to freeze C-Map Commercial, based in Norway, out of the picture. C-Map Commercial already has the entire world in S-57 format, and an efficient updating service. The UKHO’s rationale is that only an “Official Hydrographic Office” can control the quality of the ENC’s. This, of course, is pure bunk. The Federal Aviation Administration deems privately produced aviation charts as official and companies such as Jeppesen do a fine job. The UKHO is attempting to use their status as a government agency to dominate the commercial charting market, both for paper and electronic charting. What’s really mind boggling is the UKHO has entered into agreements with those countries that don’t have the technology to produce ENC’s.
    I think you’ll find the following link interesting.

  2. Russ says:

    Did Furuno mention when the improved quilting would be available?
    Furuno seems to have no regular means of communicating what’s happening with NN3D to their customers. I had thought the MyNavNet site would be the channel, but other than product registration, none of it’s other functions are operational. Even though we register an email address, Furuno does not make use of it to communicate with customers.
    They recently posted a s/w update for NN3D systems, but didn’t even bother to mention it on the “News” page of either the MyNavNet site, or the main Furuno site. Customers need to monitor the product page on the main web site each day to see if anything new has been posted. The posted information is thorough, but there is no way to know when or where to look to find it.
    So while I’m glad to hear the news via Panbo that they have improved their quilting, I would like to also see an official communication regarding the change and it’s availability.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Many private users make GeoTiff (RNC) maps with the portal that accesses the government map services using the US Navy’s free program – GIDB. NOAA map tools are in there…. as well as DEM data.
    Highly recommended to merge map layers from WMS servers. WMS is the web service protocol and format defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium.

  4. richardstephens says:

    NOAA is still providing free charts that are up to date as of June 15th.
    The lack of updates may be a problem for vessels required by law to use current charts, but I don’t think it should worry recreational users too much. These are still more up to date than most published digital charts.

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