Monthly Archive: February 2004


Zap! Boom!

Having a lot of (expensive) electronics on board can be very risky in case lightning strikes. This article — PDF of Ben E’s 2003 PMY column here — tries to depict the different aspects...

Analog radar overlays on a PC 0

Analog radar overlays on a PC

You will not have to throw away you’re old analog radar in order to be able to have radar-overlays on electronic charts using a PC. Nobeltec has introduced a device that “lets you integrate...

eLearning and sailing 0

eLearning and sailing

Slightly different topic then normal, but nonetheless very interesting application of digital technologies in a yachting context. eLearing applications focusing on navigation are continuing to pop up and can be really helpful. “Now modern...

MasterLog Parts and Equipment Organizer 0

MasterLog Parts and Equipment Organizer

An innovative way of assisting you when problems arise with your yacht is developed by Bluewater Logistics using simple internet technology. “It “has developed a service called MasterLog whereby every piece of gear, serial...

Live Marine Weather At Last 0

Live Marine Weather At Last

Although primarily focused on Nexrad, and therefore on US waters, this article discusses some of the providers of live weather information which van be very handy when sailing… Would be great to see these...

Red LED LightWedge 0

Red LED LightWedge

LED is ‘revolutionizing’ lighting, and some clever applications can be expected for boating purposes as well. “While the lens is susceptible to scratching and the light does leak a bit out the edges, the...

Automatic Identity System 0

Automatic Identity System

In order to make sure that you’re always seen by big ships and that they see you, install an Automatic Identity System. It might help prevent collisions that occur every now and then and...

eChart developments 0

eChart developments

Innovation in digital charts is more and more happening on a business model level. Nobeltec is a good example. “Nobeltec wants to get you hooked. For a mere $10, eChart Planner gives you a...