Solar Powered Notebook
While I was researching solar energy for use in a maritime environment I came across a product that has been around for a while, but that keeps improving since the efficiency of solar cells...
While I was researching solar energy for use in a maritime environment I came across a product that has been around for a while, but that keeps improving since the efficiency of solar cells...
Carl, who told me to about wireless anchoring solution, also pointed at eDigitalWireless, a company selling several outdoor wireless solutions. Amongst which the new SureShot, a 200mW NEMA 4X rated, ruggedized, weatherproof 2.4gHz radio...
A couple of weeks a go I mentioned Ascend Marine’s Deep Blue Marine’s Anchor Alert, a wireless anchor monitoring system. To make the anchoring experience completely wireless (except for the anchor chain…), I got...
Instead of, or in addition to, using LCD displays all over the boat to display relatively simple, but important, instrument data, why not use a fiber-optics jacket that is wirelessly connected to the boat...
When I was going through the log-files of this website I noticed that many people come here searching for rugged cellphones. Fortunately, Siemens unveiled the ruggedised M65 this week. Not sure if it’s really...
I know a lot of the high-end electronics that are being presented here require power. Lot’s of it. So every time I come across an article or how-to-guide helping you to make sure this...
A detailed look (pdf) at current VSAT offerings by bdp1 Consulting, triggered by Boeing’s Connexion announcement. It is very much focused on the off-shore and cruising industry, but at the end comes a very...
It’s not because the are the best or the first, but the news that HP has introduced a rugged notebook (nr3600) and a rugged Tablet PC (tr3000) shows that these types of computers are...
Every now an then I will give you a glimpse into the electronic and communications heart of some of the most remarkable yachts in the world. Today we’ll have a look at Cheyenne (former...
Tony Gutierrez pointed me at APRS, an Automatic Packet/Position Reporting System. ARPS is a real-time tactical digital communicatons protocol for exchanging information between a large number of stations covering a large (local) area. As...