Yearly Archive: 2004

Conquering The Skies And Seas 0

Conquering The Skies And Seas

Having cheaper, faster and easier internet access at sea is what we all want. Boeing’s announcement in January that they would launch their Connexion service (satellite-powered broadband connectivity for commercial airliners) for the maritime...

Plugging into the power of sewage 0

Plugging into the power of sewage

Now here’s a great way of generating electricity. Forget about solar, wind or generators. The waste you flush down the toilet could one day power your equipment on board. And….“even better, the device breaks...

Why I Started This Weblog 0

Why I Started This Weblog

Interview with about me and why I started this weblog four weeks ago. “Yme Bosma’s, the marine electronics and communications weblog, has quickly become a favorite here at Gizmodo, with its sharp...