Yearly Archive: 2004

Gadget Junkie’s Discovery 0

Gadget Junkie’s Discovery

A BoatOhio reader (Don Hagan) recently discovered that the answer to boating problems is not always found in electronics… “OK, I admit it…. I am a gadget junkie. I purchase Palm Pilots, a new...

Mixed Signals 0

Mixed Signals

Good article over at Boating World explaining the configuration of a good VHF set-up by detailing the workings of the different components. Do not focus too much on the radio itself, understand the importance...

A very big but small on board PC 0

A very big but small on board PC

If you are considering a PC for on board use, please have a look at the FlipStart Mini PC. Over the years there have been several attempts at producing such a small laptop, without...

Roaming Around the Marina 0

Roaming Around the Marina

Today’s Wall Street Journal discusses a problem many wi-fi users will recognize. Dead spots around you property where you can’t get a signal. The same problem occurs at marina’s offering Wi-Fi. Depending on your...

OpenSource GPS 0

OpenSource GPS

Open source is spreading everywhere, and that includes the maritime industry. Although very much for techies at this time, this is a nice example of a marine related open source project. OpenSourceGPS allows for...

Newspapers direct to your yacht 0

Newspapers direct to your yacht

Cruising the world but can’t get away from what’s happening at home? If you have a printer on board and a good internet connection, you can enjoy your favorite newspaper on deck in the...

Keep your eye open 0

Keep your eye open

Performance racing goes hand-in-hand with wireless communications. Ockham, a leading provider of instruments and software, introduced a PocketPC version of their software, which communicates with other instruments using Wi-Fi. “Cost effective wireless instrument information...

Wi-Fi PDA’s 0

Wi-Fi PDA’s

If you’re thinking about using a Pocket PC on board that will connect wirelessly to other systems via Wi-Fi, have a look at this review over at ZDNet. “Last year saw wireless tech’s profile...

Dick Tracy Fishing 0

Dick Tracy Fishing

For you fishing fanatics who are looking for a simple, but smart, device to assist you, Boating Life has a short review of the Humminbird Smartcast wristwatch. Another, more extended, review can be found...

A mouse on board? 0

A mouse on board?

Working with computers on board can be a bit difficult, especially if you want to use them in a too small navigation station. Or if you have a cockpit display connected to them. A...