Yearly Archive: 2004

Cruising Sailors Go High Tech 0

Cruising Sailors Go High Tech

Article in The Boating News detailing the effort to stuff an Island Packet 485 with electronics. It’s high-end from a main-stream perspective, and the company that carries out the work offers some learnings. “One...

Radar on a tiny silicon chip 0

Radar on a tiny silicon chip

All the basic building blocks of the radar system fully integrated on one chip, including power generation, signal processing, and dozens of other functions? This would save a lot of precious space on ships...

Live Weather Reports 1

Live Weather Reports

Real-time access to high-quality weather information is as much important as it is difficult. Since internet access is not (yet) ubiquitous, alternatives are popping up that seem to combine strengts of all available technologies....

GPS gone wild 0

GPS gone wild

A roundup over at Motor Boating Magazine of different GPS related electronics that will be hot on the market this year. “For the must-have-it-all skippers, the multifunction, full-featured combinations are most desirable. Furuno, Northstar,...

Personalized Alarm 0

Personalized Alarm

An alarm system that can be hooked up to your outdoor soundsystem might provide a very good solution when problems arise, be it thieves or water. “Billed as �The only marine alarm system that...

Wireless Sonar 0

Wireless Sonar

It’s been out for a while, but it received one of Motor Boating Editors� Choice Awards. I think it’s a good example of how boats are being (wirelessly) networked, and that displays therefore do...

3D Display, No Glasses Required 0

3D Display, No Glasses Required

Was reading an article in Slasdot on 3D displays that do not require any glasses to work. I was just imagining that this could be a convenient interface for all kind of data and...

Wi-Fi, afloat on a boat 0

Wi-Fi, afloat on a boat

Altough not very different then some of the more off-shore Wi-Fi initiatives in the (at least) US, I really like this example of ubiquitous wireless internet in India. Let’s see if we can make...

Fitting it all in 0

Fitting it all in

Article in the Ocean Navigator Online discussing (subscription required) the challenges when retrofitting yachts that were designed decades ago. A special focus is on the electrical systems, given the different needs and possibilities for...

Inspiring Product 0

Inspiring Product

“Now enjoy the portability of powering iPod in your car/boat; the ability to use a single power supply for any FireWire bus-powered devices; and the convenience of charging cell phones, PDAs and MP3 players...