AIS targets on a PDA?, yes indeed!
It makes more sense than you might think! That’s because so few plotters can yet display AIS targets, and a PC that can is often down below, too far from the helm for effective target tracking. Memory Map’s PocketAIS will give a user audible collision danger alerts and/or sorted tables based on CPA or TCPA, as well as color coded target icons…all the normal AIS safety tools. And it could conceivably do all this wirelessly, as developer Richard Stephens often uses his creation, except that the nifty Bluetooth enabled NMEA mulplexers don’t yet do AIS speed (ShipModul is reportedly working on it).
Meanwhile Panbo friend Terry Sargent has been sailing around Malaysia some more, and has once again documented an interesting AIS encounter, this time while using MaxSea and Yacht-AIS software.