Panbo changes 2, Bonnier Marine Group

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

15 Responses

  1. Russ says:


  2. peter lindquist says:

    Knew you were busy tending home and family, but you’ve done an amazing job during 2008 speaking out for and scouting the perimeter, educating boat people around the world.
    You deserve it and more.. PL

  3. bcl says:

    Congratulations Ben! That’s a nice way to start out the new year.

  4. Milt Baker says:

    Congratulations on your new executive position, Ben!
    We SAIL and PMY readers will miss you big time, but we Panbo, Yachting, and Cruising World readers will stay tuned and welcome your continuing sage advice and counsel.
    Keep the good stuff comin’!
    Best regards,
    –Milt Baker, Nordhavn 47 Bluewater, Fort Lauderdale

  5. Mark Corke says:

    The best of luck and thanks for the link to my blog

  6. Reed Erskine says:

    Exciting news! Greatly encouraging to hear of your upward mobility in this winter of such widespread discontent.
    Go Ben!

  7. Al Herum says:

    Good Luck at your new post and thanks for the link.

  8. Mike Martus says:

    Congratulations, change is good, it keeps us alive and looking ahead. Wish you success.

  9. Jon Hill says:

    Way to go, Ben, congratulations.
    And thanks for all your efforts on Panbo – a valuable resource we’d all hate to do without.

  10. SanderO says:

    Good show Ben. Best of luck with your new gig. Keep up the great work here. We love our Panbo!

  11. Tony Bessinger says:

    Hi Ben-
    Congratulations on the new gig. I think I can say you’re the very best person for the job.

  12. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Thank you kindly, Tony (and all), but how weird that I was reading your good Maretron WSO (ultrasonic wind) story while you were here commenting. Can intuition travel via Ethernet?

  13. Tony Bessinger says:

    Intuition via Ethernet, the latest in marine technology, and ideal for communications between tacticians and helmsmen.

  14. Bob Austin says:

    Congratulations on the “move”.
    I’ll miss your PMY comments–now I have to figure out how to get free subscriptions to Yachting and Cruising world!

  15. DaveV says:

    Congrats Ben- Nice to see you with those mags! What are your plans regarding articles on the new radars (Navico and Honeywell) with the change of masthead…???

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