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Hi all, I am looking for an N2K compatible rode counter so that I can display the value on my MFDs. There was a rumour that Maxwell were developing a "headless" one meaning that only a physical up/down switch was required on the bridge, but that idea seems to have petered out. Is anyone aware of one - either with a physical display, but preferably without one. Thanks for your help!
did you ever find anything out about this? I have also been looking for an N2K option and not one that is ridiculously priced/expensive... 😉
Hi all, I am looking for an N2K compatible rode counter so that I can display the value on my MFDs. There was a rumour that Maxwell were developing a "headless" one meaning that only a physical up/down switch was required on the bridge, but that idea seems to have petered out. Is anyone aware of one - either with a physical display, but preferably without one. Thanks for your help!
Auto-Anchor has been going to have one "real soon now" for the past 5 years. I contacted them about 3 time over the past 3 years, and they always say coming soon. I've basically given up on them and have little respect for companies that string you along with vaporware.