Maritime machine vision pioneer SEA.AI to unveil its new product ‘Brain’ at FLIBS 2024

5 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Interesting that this is the second AI camera augmentation system released this year called “Brain”:

    While these and other recent developments like Tocaro Blue — — are premium add-ons now, I suspect that using serious computational power to detect what’s truly important in the overload of data flowing to modern helm electronics will become more accessible, rapidly I hope.

  2. Moose says:

    Looks rather cool. Love how the strong international presence indicated by east coast USA locations . Still very interesting

  3. Moose says:

    Oh it’s okay. Still plenty of love :)!
    Side note. If anyone has a contact for id love to get in touch 🙂

  4. l00sem4rble says:

    Have we seen any comparison of Lookout and Sea.AI? I have two customers interested in such a sytem but we have no experience to draw on (yet.) I’d love to hear of any comparison reviews or even just a spec sheet comparison.

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