NKE Regatta processor, wicked fast
I have no idea why Bob Congdon, former U.S. Sales Manager for B&G, is now working for Euro Marine Trading, the U.S. distributor for NKE…and I question the ravings at Sailing Anarchy on the subject. But I do know this: In Miami, when Bob talked about how well NKE’s about-to-debut Regatta Processor would compare to B&G’s offerings, there was a distinct glint in his eye. Well, above is the Regatta showing off at Strictly Sail Pacific last month and here is the pitch…
With a 25Hz sampling and display update rate, and full 3 axis motion compensation, the NKE Regatta Processor is a game changer for the racing sailor. With the 3D Sensor in place the processor actively corrects errors in wind readings caused by the boat’s motion in the waves 25 times a second resulting in dramatically better performance and stability in wind functions.
The Regatta Processor has complete calibration facilities with easy to use software. 2 Gigs of internal memory automatically log all functions at 25Hz and make them available for post race download via the Ethernet port for performance analysis. For reference, the comparably priced B&G H3000 Hercules performance level processor samples the wind at only 4Hz with no motion compensation, no internal data logging and no Ethernet capability. The NKE Regatta processor also accepts fast NMEA so you can use the new generation high speed, high resolution GPS units directly connected to the processor.
For further reference, B&G’s ultra high-end WTP2 system (which Bob knows a lot about) can handle sensors that sample at 100Hz but still only updates its network 10 times a second. And the Airmar PB200 Dan and I have been testing samples at 2Hz and by (NMEA 2000) default updates at 1Hz. (That default update rate can be changed by other N2K devices, however, which is explained with great detail in a PB200 technical manual you’ll find if you download Airmar’s WeatherCaster software.) I found a bit more on the NKE Regatta here (in slightly fractured English), but darned if I can find more than a press release with a tentative cost of 4,995 Euros on NKE’s own site.
B&G: Another high-end product overwhelmed by grocery-chain mentality.
Congo is no fool. He knows his stuff!