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Last seen: January 19, 2025 10:22 am
Hi David, The Airmar is unusual (and cool), but you probably don't need a sensor that outputs "theoretical wind." In fact, you likely have something o...
"I’ve had the AP do an abrupt 180"... yike. Hopefully someone here or elsewhere can help you solve the sudden turning. But in the meantime, maybe you...
Dave. I do not believe that your Garmin autopilot, or any autopilot, is meant to work that way. What I wrote about in 2011 was unwanted behavior when ...
Hi Shane, I'm not sure which Panbo article you saw about the Furuno FI-501 Wind Angle instrument, as there were several: But the point I was making a...
Anon, I think you were smart to copy your Quickdraw data to a PC and I trust you will be able to access that data some way someday if not soon. I'm wo...
I don't know how it may work out for this deal, but Freedom Boat Club COO Louis Chemi left a large and beneficial mark on the marine electronics indus...
Hi Doug, I'm pretty sure that Midcoast Marine Electronics in Rockland can bench test your Garmin but it may be expensive and even if they can fix it, ...
Dan, the AT10 manual link I described in 2009 still works! And note there is also an AT10 HD.
I'm very doubtful that you'll see much integration, Dan, if any. I recall that the AT10 only does a few O183 to 2000 translations, or vice versa. Mayb...
Frank, I'm sorry to report that GX6000 was not able to read AIS data coming over NMEA 2000 on my boat last summer, which I confirmed with SH: "It appe...
Hi Frank, Your question is coincidental as I recently messed with a sample GX6000 trying to solve another NMEA 2000 issue, as explained in the comment...
Excellent news. Thanks!
PS. As for autopilot: I'd consider that the most optional upgrade if it still works OK. They can still serve well without any relationship to a new MF...