Simrad sensor toss, the other Simrad
If you make wireless sensors so tough they can be dragged around attached to trawler nets, a good way to market that quality is to have brawny fishermen chuck them as far as possible. That’s just what Simrad does every year in Norway, and apparently it’s so much fun that they’ve introduced the competition to the U.S. (above). It’s pretty amazing what the whole Catch Monitoring system can do—showing a skipper how his gear is setting, what temp water it’s in and when it touches bottom, and how many fish are in it. Makes you wonder what this technology could do on the yachting side? But mind you that this is Simrad the commercial fishing company, not the spun-off Simrad Yachting, which is now under the Navico corporate umbrella.
It’d be really neat, for instance, to see one of these things built into an anchor — always know exactly where it’s ended up, what orientation it’s in, how much load it’s under, and whether it’s moving.
Actually there is such a gadget, Anchor Alert:
I’ve tested it and it worked pretty well.
Your statement is incorrect that referrs to Simrad Fisheries as part of the Navico Group.
The hydroaccustic division of Simrad was retained by the Kongsberg Group when the rest of Simrad was purchsed by the present owners the Altor Group.
“But mind you that this is Simrad the commercial fishing company, not the spun-off Simrad Yachting, which is now under the Navico corporate umbrella.”
Says its NOT under the Navico corp!