Tagged: Seakeeper


DBMIBS 2025: Dometic DG3 Gyroscopic Stabilizer

Dometic made quite the splash at the Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show this year. They introduced the DG3 gyroscopic stabilizer and with that introduction launched an advertising blitz. Ads for the DG3 were everywhere: on the floor of the convention center, on the walls, and seemingly everywhere you looked. Obviously, Dometic thinks the launch of a new gyro is a big deal and I agree.


Seakeeper 1: installed, on the water, and stable

In the last year, Panbo(at) has had both Seakeeper Ride and now a Seakeeper 1 gyro installed. I know it may seem like it, but Panbo(at) didn’t have a stability problem before both products were installed. In fact, the boat’s ride impressed me even without any aids. But, now that it has these two systems keeping the boat’s movements in check, I can’t help but marvel at how much better the boat rides. Seakeeper’s systems have taken a boat with good manners and made it dramatically better. That’s quite the accomplishment.


Seakeeper Ride Now Available for Aftermarket Installations

Seakeeper, Inc., the leader in marine motion control, is now offering Seakeeper Ride for refit installations. Previously, the new product was only available as standard equipment through boat manufacturers. “Since our launch, we’ve been badgered by boaters asking when Seakeeper Ride will be available for refits,” said Seakeeper President and CEO Andrew Semprevivo. “Our team has worked hard…