Chetco Digital engine monitoring, Bob E reports

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

5 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Thanks so much, Bob! I’m sure some readers will want to know what the Chetco setup cost. I’m also curious if there is some reason you can’t use one of the alternate gauge themes, which seem more readable (example here: )
    Finally, what is that big monitor at your lower helm and how is it working out?

  2. Bob says:

    In round numbers, just south of 2K for all the parts and pieces. Installation time so far about 2 days. You can lower the cost by about half if you eliminate the touch screen display and ethernet interface. All you must have is the vDash and vGaugeRemote connected by USB (or serial for longer distances).
    There are other graphic options available. I used this one because I could get all sensors displayed on one screen. I intend to tinker with this when I have more time. I’m still deciding where to mount the touchscreen panel. The original thought was the engine room, but now I’m leaning to pulling out the old inoperative Magellan GPS in the overhead and putting it there.
    That big monitor is an Acer B273HU. Underway it’s the lower station chart plotter, at anchor, it’s the TV. Connects to a laptop (HD Homerun) and a Sony PS3 for DVDs. It was chosen largely based on the specs for brightness. So far it’s worked out very well.

  3. RED says:

    Is it possible to customize the display? It would be interesting to see an application for a twin engine display like yours where Port and Stbd instruments (like temps, etc) are displayed side by side and with the normal operating condition “needle” pointing horizontily at each other so you can see immeditely if something is out of normal. I’ve seen this done on aircraft, but not on boats as yet. Sure woudl be easier than rewiring an existing panel.

  4. Bob says:

    There are several different graphic options for the indications and the customization allows them to be placed anywhere. So you could create a screen where the values were compared at a glance. There is no current provision to “mark” a normal operating range.
    As I installed it, its more like the modern turbine aircraft that alarm when an engine is out of normal parameters, and the condition causing the alarm flashes. This reduces the need to spend time manually monitoring engine parameters. I don’t think it eliminates the need to run down to the engine room every hour or two to see what’s going on.

  5. Steve James says:

    Hi Bob greetings from the Fl Keys. Just a comment on Reds question. Yes users can define the needle positions to show consistancy in gauge readings. If users want all needles pointing at a 45deg angle or any other angle when operating at normal temps or pressures it is possible for us to do.
    Our system is so flexible and we make improvements everyday that there are features we have not listed or can not list until next printing.
    Thanks for the feedback on our products, enjoy and be safe. Many new product features are listed on the page.

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