BWI Boating Journalists Recognized for Best Writing & Imaging

Miami, FL February 14, 2024 – Boating and fishing journalists, photographers and videographers were recognized today during the annual breakfast meeting of Boating Writers International (BWI). This event kicked off the 2024 Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show, which began today and runs through February 18.
In BWI’s 2023 Contest, presentations in 16 contest categories representing $16,000 in cash awards were made to first ($500), second ($300) and third ($200) place scorers. Cash award recipients also received a recognition plaque noting their “Excellence in creating compelling content about boating through entertaining, educational and inspiring journalism.”
This year’s BWI Awards (presented now for 31 years) attracted 76 participants submitting 248 entries. In addition to cash awards, 26 Certificates of Merit were presented. All submissions to the contest were published in 2023. Each of the categories (noted below along with sponsors) was judged by four active journalists in the first few weeks of 2024.
Boating Lifestyles – sponsored by Discover Boating
1st “Sailing with the Boy” by Wendy Mitman Clarke (SAIL Magazine)
2nd “Out of Their Gourds” by Pim Van Hemmen (Soundings)
3rd “Once More with Feeling” by Lisa Mighetto (48 Degrees North)
Judge Ann Hoffner said, “Sailing with the Boy turns the tables on the summer cruise, and in a delightful fashion, shows how the presence of a boy changes the outcome for an adult who was bloody ready to go sailing alone for a good long while.”
Merit Awards:
“Sailor’s Block” by Craig Moodie (Good Old Boat)
“One True Boat” by Wendy Mitman Clarke (SAIL Magazine)
Boating Photography – sponsored by ePropulsion
1st “Evening Deck Check” by Tor Johnson (SAIL Magazine)
2nd “Battleship” by Pim Van Hemmen (Soundings)
3rd “Gig Harbor and Mount Rainier” by Tor Johnson (Cruising World)
Judge Tim Murphy observed, “Speed and stasis, power and peace: this image captures the beautiful aloneness of being on passage at twilight. The speed of the wake and the stillness of the person standing at the mast, separated by all the power in that genoa drawing—I want to be in that moment.”
Merit Award:
“Dawn on the Santa Maria” by Robert Berringer (SAIL Magazine)
Boating Issues, News and Analysis – sponsored by Mercury Marine
1st “Multiple Choice?” by Theresa Nicholson (Cruising World)
2nd “Boat Selling Blues” by Lenny Rudow (BoatUS)
3rd “Policy Problems” by Kim Kavin (Soundings)
Chair Jim Fullilove said, “If you’re a sailor looking to purchase a new ride and pondering monohull vs multihull—read this first. Multiple Choice rewards readers with descriptive and persuasive commentary from veteran sailors about the benefits and downsides of multihulls.”
Merit Awards:
“Artificial Intelligence Onboard” by Richard Armstrong (BoatUS)
“Will Boat Prices Ever Come Down?” by Fiona McGlynn (BoatUS)
Environmental Awareness & Education – sponsored by Torqeedo
1st “Have We Reached Peak Teak?” by Marylin Mower (Boat International)
2nd “Facing Future” by Adam Cove (SAIL Magazine)
3rd “The Shrink Wrap Dilemma” by Fiona McGlynn (BoatUS)
Judge Marilyn DeMartini said, “A very well researched, written, and informative piece.”
Seamanship, Rescue & Safety – sponsored by Sea Tow Services International
1st “Survival Mode: Captain Varun & the Pirates” by Marilyn Mower (Heesen Magazine)
2nd “So Others May Live” by Chris Dixon (Power & Motoryacht)
3rd “What’s in Your Life Vest?” by Christopher Birch (SAIL Magazine)
Judge Eric Colby said, “The author combined a real story with valuable information into a good read.”
Merit Awards:
“Wicked Weather: Bare Poles Edition” by Theresa Nicholson (Cruising World)
“The Crippling Effects of Cold Water” by Fiona McGlynn (BoatUS)
Boat Tests & Reviews – sponsored by Volvo Penta
1st “Tartan 455” by Wendy Mitman Clarke (SAIL Magazine)
2nd “Secret Formula” by Charlie Levine (Power & Motoryacht)
3rd “The Real McCoy” by Jeff Moser (Passagemaker)
Judge Rich Armstrong noted, “The author taps her deep subject knowledge and passion for sailing, adds a vivid walk-thru of features along with a rousing sea story to create a superb product review that reads like a feature story.”
Merit Awards:
“First Ride on Coast Guard Cutter” by Arnie Hammerman (Workboat Magazine)
“Life and Love in Stockholm” by Kevin Koenig (Power & Motoryacht)
Fishing – sponsored by Suzuki Marine USA
1st “Healing Hands, Tight Lines” by Joe Sills (Bassmaster Magazine)
2nd “How Fishing & Boating Can Change Life” by Chris Caswell (Boating Magazine)
3rd “Clowning Around” by Charlie Levine (Anglers Journal)
Judge Tom Schlichter said, “A great read. Inspiring, entertaining and thought-provoking. Overcoming adversity and persevering through difficult life changes makes for great subject matter, and this tale was both riveting and well presented.”
Merit Award:
“Fishing for All” by Charlie Levine (Anglers Journal)
Gear, Electronics &Product Tests – sponsored by Xantrex/Mission Critical Electronics
1st “Rare Air” by Jeff Hemmel (Boating Magazine)
2nd “Screw the Status Quo” by Adam Cove (Soundings)
3rd “Electronics Upgrade” by Lenny Rudow (FishTalk Magazine)
Chair Kim Kavin said, “With Rare Air, it just goes to show that there are no small story assignments, only small-thinking writers.”
Merit Awards:
“Live Action Sonar” by Ron Ballanti (Marine Electronics Journal)
“Shaded Relief Charts” by Ron Ballanti (Marine Electronics Journal)
Boat Projects, Renovations & Retrofits – sponsored by Boats Group
1st “Immortal Words, Historic Boat” by Norris Comer (Passagemaker)
2nd “A Boat for Anne” by Pim Van Hemmen (Soundings)
3rd “The Purpose Driven Yacht” by Chris Dixon (Power & Motoryacht)
Judge Gregg Mansfield noted, “As a reader, I felt like I was part of the years-long restoration process of the Western Flyer, a ship that was launched during the Great Depression.”
Merit Awards:
“Dinghy Delight” by Ann Hoffner (Good Old Boat)
“Saving a Rare Steel Cruiser” by Kelsey Bonham (Good Old Boat)
Boating Videos – sponsored by Boat Owners Association of the U.S.
1st “The Prop Test: Sharrow MX3 vs Standard Prop” by Pete McDonald (Boating Magazine)
2nd “Don’t Make These Common Boating Etiquette Mistakes” by Stacey Wigmore (BoatUS)
3rd “2024 Yamaha FSH Sport H” by Jeff Hemmel (Boating Magazine)
Judge Arnie Hammerman said, “A host of factual information was presented in the dialogue, call out boxes, and the graphic representation of the images themselves. It was professionally stitched together, informative, and concise. An excellent use of journalistic videography.”
Merit Awards:
“Pontoon Stereotypes” by Brady Kay (Pontoon and Deck Boat Magazine)
“Caymas 34 CT Powercat” by Lenny Rudow (FishTalk Magazine)
The Business of Boating – sponsored by BRP
1st “How to Play Smart Defense” by Kim Kavin (Soundings Trade Only)
2nd “Building the Brand” by Ron Ballanti (Marine Electronics Journal)
3rd “So Far, Not so Bad” by Kim Kavin (Soundings Trade Only)
Judge Jeff Hemmel said, “Catching the reader’s attention right off the bat with the significant costs of two cyber-attacks on major players in the boating market, How To Play Smart Defense went on to explain the complexities of cyber-crime then to offer real, practical tips that businesses use to protect themselves.”
Merit Award:
“Drawing Board – Scout 67” by Chris Dixon (Power & Motoryacht)
Boating Columns – sponsored by KVH Industries
1st “Three Columns B” by Wendy Mitman Clarke (SAIL Magazine)
2nd “Charter Life” by Zuzana Prochazka (SAIL Magazine)
3rd “Between Fish” by Bill Sisson (Anglers Journal)
Doug Thompson said, “This columnist helped bring the reader into the story by evoking the feelings, fears and triumphs one experiences while boating.”
Merit Awards:
“Used Boats” by John Wooldridge (Soundings)
“Life Aboard” by Bob Arrington (Power & Motoryacht)
Boating Travel or Destinations – sponsored by Dometic
1st “It’s a Jungle Out There” by Elaine Lembo (BoatUS)
2nd “Tonga: First and Last” by Kia Koropp (Marina Life)
3rd “San Blas: A Taste of the Pacific” by Kia Koropp (Latitudes & Attitudes)
Judge Peter Robson commented, “This chronicle of a trip up the Amazon features a creative lead that draws the reader in and is entertaining, interesting, informative, smooth-flowing, and inspiring. Wish I’d been along.”
Merit Awards:
“Beauty in the Rough” by Tor Johnson (SAIL Magazine)
“Outside City Limits” by Lisa Mighetto (Passagemaker)
Boating Profiles – sponsored by Nautical Ventures
1st “Of Moss, Mushrooms and Hydrofoils” by David Schmidt (Sailing World)
2nd “A Schooner Runs Through It” by Tim Murphy (BoatUS)
3rd “Last Man” by Herb McCormick (Cruising World)
Judge Jeff Werner noted, “The unique contributions of Paul Bieker to high performance sailboat design are told perfectly through the captivating storyline of a sailboat delivery.”
Merit Awards:
“A Last Great Place” by Charlie Levine (Anglers Journal)
“Timeless Tochterman’s” by Marty LeGrand (Chesapeake Bay Magazine)
Boating Adventures – sponsored by Yamaha Marine Group
1st “Baptism by Fire” by Lydia Mullan (SAIL Magazine)
2nd “Winter Sail” by Tor Johnson (Cruising World)
3rd “Through Hell for High Water” by Chris Dixon (Power & Motoryacht)
Chair Tristan Rutherford said, “A rollercoaster adventure that you’d rather read about than partake in, for which the credit goes to the gifted author.”
Merit Award:
“The Lure of High Ice” by Marlin Bree (Ensign Magazine)
Women in Boating – sponsored by Yamaha Watercraft
1st “Try and Try Again” by Lydia Mullan (Multihull Power & Sail)
2nd “Stop Dreaming. Set a Goal” by Kim Kavin (Soundings)
3rd “Sampriti Bhattachaharyya, Visionary” by Rachel Cormack (Robb Report)
Judge Chris Dixon described the first-place piece as an “Excellent first-person account not only of a one-of-a-kind boat and her fascinating crew, but an experiential adventure aboard a very fast boat as well. Top notch reporting.”
Merit Award:
“Strength in Numbers” by Gary Reich (Soundings Trade Only)
“Kirstin Neuschafer Wins Golden Globe” by Ann Hoffner (Ocean Navigator)
About BWI
BWI is a non-profit professional organization consisting of writers, editors, broadcasters, publishers, photographers, public relations specialists and others in the communications profession associated with the boating industry. Members include active marine journalists across the U.S., Canada and around the world. For more information, visit
Panbo publishes select press releases as a service to readers and the marine electronics industry. The release contents do not reflect the opinion of the editors and are not fact checked by the editors
I appreciate this press release because the links let us read the prize-winning magazine articles, which are also a reminder of all the different ways people enjoy boats.