Category: Panbo & misc.

Dock Slips 0

Dock Slips

Nice to see how your marina can be managed using dedicated software. Would be even better if they provided a web-based interface where you, as a yacht owner, could select certain services you need...

Big GPS Savings 0

Big GPS Savings

If you’re shopping for a GPS device, you might find some interesting prices over at Yachting & Boating World’s Marine Store. “The ybw marine store has lowered its prices, with upto 20% off Garmin...

On Radars And Microwave Ovens… 0

On Radars And Microwave Ovens…

For those of you that have an interest in the history of marine electronics, here is a funny quote in an article on innovation and offshoring that I would like to share with you....

Boat U.S. 0

Boat U.S.

Forbes awarded the Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatU.S.) Web site as a �Best of the Web Pick. A special remark was made on Chuck Husick’s marine electronics contributions. “You can also...

Wireless Lighting Technology 2

Wireless Lighting Technology

The people from MarineLED keep sending out these press releases through which they promote their new ‘wireless lightning technology.’ May be someone who reads this is able to explain what they mean by that,...

BoatWorks 0


SAIL launched a new magazine, BoatWorks. In the Spring 2004 issue they have some marine electronics related stories. Two of the topics that might provide you with a reason to buy the magazine are:...

Why I Started This Weblog 0

Why I Started This Weblog

Interview with about me and why I started this weblog four weeks ago. “Yme Bosma’s, the marine electronics and communications weblog, has quickly become a favorite here at Gizmodo, with its sharp...



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EU-US Sign Marine Equipment Accord 0

EU-US Sign Marine Equipment Accord

A bit of legal/political news, but still relevant. This trade agreement will, in the end, make marine electronics cheaper and sooner available on the market. Furthermore it will make it easier for some innovative,...

eLearning and sailing 0

eLearning and sailing

Slightly different topic then normal, but nonetheless very interesting application of digital technologies in a yachting context. eLearing applications focusing on navigation are continuing to pop up and can be really helpful. “Now modern...