Digital Switching gets easier, cheaper, and more compelling

Ben Stein

Ben Stein

Publisher of, passionate marine electronics enthusiast, 100-ton USCG master.

27 Responses

  1. Dan Corcoran Dan Corcoran says:

    Ben, how do the products compare in power draw when our boats are in use vs unused? What choice are installers making when it comes to the bilge pump and bilge pump alarm? (Do installers connect them to these products, or leave them connected separately to the battery). If connected to the battery, do any of these products measure increase in bilge pump usage to increase awareness to the user there is a problem?

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:


      I can’t find a spec for Maretron, but CZone says the standby current for the Contact 6 Plus is .3ma. Yacht Devices lists average current for the YDCC at 30ma. But, in all cases for these products to function the NMEA 2000 network needs to be powered up. I’d suspect that on most boats that represents a significantly larger load and concern than the consumption of the individual switching component.

      On my own boat I haven’t run my bilge pumps through any of the digital switch products. My installations aren’t physically anywhere near the pumps and I don’t have enough operational data of my own to make that change yet. CZone and Maretron both offer products that can indicate when a circuit is energizied (frequently called a run-indicator) but I’d rather monitor bilge pumps with a stand-alone boat monitoring product that also has alerting capabilities integrated in.

      -Ben S.

    • Colin A says:

      Some of the early systems I worked on (pre 2010) had the bilge systems tied into the digital switching, most of those switched to conventional bilge pump wiring by the boat builder after issues with battery draw and other system failures affecting the bilge system. I think the best solution maybe having the pump with separate power but monitored by both conventional and digital means.

  2. Im curious how the reliability is. Seems that is always the achilles heel of these systems. I really like the idea of it, but the real world application doesnt seem to jive. Fingers crossed

  3. Dan Corcoran Dan Corcoran says:

    This has come a long way in 10 years since I last looked at it. Back then it was $400-$500 a circuit with 16 circuits and 2 controls pads.

  4. Nick Reynolds says:

    I have been looking for this, and think it is a great idea. But it didn’t turn out like I thought it would. I had assumed there would be a doodad at the load/light that accepted power and the nmea2000 connection. Then you would control the device over the network. This would allow one run of power through the boat, and one run of the network cabling, with drops to the individual items. It seems counterproductive that each of these items still requires a separate power run to the load/light. I don’t see how a guy will save any complexity or runs of wire with this. It seems like the only reason to use this is for the MFD control of your load, which is fun and cool, but not terribly compelling.

    • Colin A says:

      In theory you place the modules near load groups so say one in the forward stateroom that controlled the lights in the stateroom and forward head, and maybe the bow lights and head vent fan. Instead of 5 pairs of wires running back to the main panel you would have a communication cable and a a pair of heavier gauge power cables, and each load would have a shorter run. This can be somewhat problematic finding places for the module that are accessible and make sense. The system has to be well engineered and thought out well in advance to really get good weight and wiring savings.

      It’s possible car makers have to some degree done it. The real savings they found weren’t on the load side but the control side. SO say you have breaker panel feeding a switch panel with 8 switches on it then on to the loads. Wit digital switching you could now have a switch panel with only a communication cable and the loads can be fed directly from the circuit protection.

  5. Colin A says:

    As some one who has spent the last decade and a half working with traditional circuit protection as well as digital switching I do take some exception to the reliability statement (at least in the marine world).
    It may well be true in the future but not now.
    We used to see the A series or world breakers last 20-30 years in typical recreational marine service, we typically started seeing module or digital switch failures in the 7-10 year range. You also had issues with support as the products age. Some systems have gone thru complete redesigns in the last 10 years and the old systems require rather expensive fixes thanks to that.

    I still think it’s the future but I think potential adopters should keep in mind there are still some drawbacks that aren’t fully flushed out.
    As an aside I also have done a little work with home automation systems. Very few home automation technicians have the systems in their house in my experience, The issue is when the systems age and are no longer supported it can get very costly versus buying a 5 buck light switch at home depot. Now current wireless systems have reduced that risk which I think is why you see so much more in that space now but remember the basic concepts have been doable for 40 plus years with little market penetration (x10)

  6. Dan Corcoran Dan Corcoran says:

    It isn’t just weight savings. For some of the extra installation complexity, the owner also gets a boat simpler to operate. Rather than buttons programmed 1-1 to match the function of their circuit breaker counter-parts, the installer can have far fewer buttons. Much like you get in a car and have an on switch built into your ignition, you can have an “on” button for your boat that powers on the majority of breakers (instruments, electronics, vhf, etc.) then add buttons only for those devices out of reach of the user (nav lights)

    • Colin A says:

      This is very true and something the automtive and motorcycle space already does with multiple circuits tied together (mostly to the key switch but some others). Many multi plex systems do have these features, but one must be careful to make it intuitive. A certain boatbuilder tied many functions to 3 main ” macro buttons” that were supposed to relate to the boat being at dock at anchor etc. But it had the habit of confusing owners used to turning on everything individually. Used to get lots of service calls that were really more user error or interface misunderstanding then actual issues.
      Another favorite My water heater won’t turn on! Yep it’s because your tank sensor is bad and it has a default to kill power to the water heater when the tank is empty.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I miss Naviop

    • Colin A says:

      The motorcycle industry has developed some intriguing modules. The Moto brain and PDM 60 are another 2 I have come across.

  8. Darrell Clark says:

    Another option for fun, non-critical digital switching. Wire a $35 Google nest mini direct to your 12v. Add a $13 12v 5amp 2 circuit wifi digital switch : in parallel at your switch panel ( I wired to courtesy lights). Configure the apps and then you can switch your lights at the panel, or on your phone, or by voice “Hey Google switch courtesy lights on” . Under $50 and a half hour. Obviously not appropriate for critical loads. But nice for lights, Music, etc.

  9. John Lyman says:

    Very interesting technology. If digital switching modules were the exact size of standard boat circuit breakers it would be a no brainer to upgrade existing boats. Like home based z-wave digital switching you would then have a mechanical backup.

  10. Paul says:

    Maybe somwonw can help me out here How and where can i purchase the MPower modules ?

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

      Unfortunately to the best of my knowledge these modules aren’t available for purchase yet. I’m going to submit a question to the folks at Maretron and see if there’s an update.


      • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

        I’ve just checked in with Maretron who confirms they’re finalizing pricing and availability and will update as soon as the products are available.

        -Ben S.

  11. Paul says:

    Thanks Ben I will be patient but have my order ready as soon as the products are available

  12. Anonymous says:

    This is great, and finding someone who has got the pieces working. I’ve tried (unsuccessfully) to hook up a Maretron DCR100 to a Garmin 922. The Garmin’s latest software shows switching ui (cool!), and shows switch status changes when a Maretron 150 is used to flip switches, but the 922 won’t control the Maretron directly.

  13. Paul Brennan says:

    Mr. Stein, Thank you for sharing all this knowledge. I’ve been trying to connect a Maretron DCR100 to a Garmin 922xs MFD, with “limited” luck. Latest Garmin software on 922 shows the DCR, shows the status of the DCR switches (when I flip them with a Maretron controller), but won’t actually flip a switch.

    It would appear to be one of two things: 1) need a CZONE config (black magic? supported by Maretron?), or 2) the Garmin is sending the 127502 message, which Maretron stopped supporting a version ago. Neither of the two companies seem to have a great idea here, other than “monitor and see what’s going on” … the monitoring gear would cost more than the switch gear!

    All suggestions welcome!

  14. Todd Sawicki says:

    So how do folks handle higher amp devices with digital switches (pumps, downriggers, radars, etc)? Do folks just leave standard mechanical switches for those devices (which would seem to defeat the point of having a digital switching system on their boat in the first place)? I’ve been researching digital switching systems as a potential for my boat rewiring project but the lack of higher amp support is one question I just don’t seem to see addressed anywhere.

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      Todd, I’m pretty sure that most digital distribution systems let you parallel output channels to get the maximum amperage needed for a particular circuit. For instance, the newish CZone Control X Plus has 24 DC output channels with just four being 15 amps max, the rest less. But with paralleling it can support a circuit that needs up to 80 amps.

      Details in the install manual:

      • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

        Ben is exactly right about the potential for higher current being satisfied by using multiple channels. I’d think that would deal with most typical loads, but not things like windlasses, etc. For really high current applications, the digital switches can be used to control relays or solenoids.

        -Ben S.

        • Todd Sawicki says:

          Thanks @BenEllison and @BenStein – helpful – I love the idea of reducing wiring through my boat thru the use of strategically placed PDM’s but for the life of me was stumped on the higher amp management.

  15. Tom Moore says:

    Hey Ben’s – reviving an older post with a question. I am super interested in the Yacht Devices option to keep things non-proprietary but also want to have remote access (think turning on deck lights while returning in tender). I am not finding much in my searches on how to get remote control of NMEA2000 switching PGN’s? Electrical system is Victron based and electronics are Garmin if that helps. Thanks

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