Digital Yacht CO Alert carbon monoxide alarm with NMEA 2000 integration

November 24, 2023: Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning kills boaters every year. Odourless, tasteless and generated from incomplete combustion from engines, cookers, heaters, outboards, generators etc, it’s a real threat to boating safety. When CO enters the body, it prevents the blood from bringing oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs. Because you can’t see it, taste it or smell it, CO will kill quickly without warning. Small concentrations over a long period or high concentrations over a short period can kill. Early symptoms of CO poisoning can mimic many common ailments and may easily be confused with food poisoning, viral infections, flu or simple tiredness.

CO Alert is a carbon monoxide detector and alarm with NMEA 2000 integration for maximum protection on board including pop-up alerts on compatible MFDs as well as loud, audible alarms in cabin and a comprehensive self-testing function.
The sophisticated UL approved sensor can detect low concentrations of CO building up over a period of time as well as high levels requiring an immediate alarm. It’s powered direct from the boat’s DC battery system so is always on and monitored whenever you’re on board. It consumes just 25mA of current.
The system can also be expanded further with Digital Yacht’s NavAlert general purpose alert and monitoring device and 4GX/5GX internet access systems. With this combination, SMS messages can be generated for a CO Alert and sent to a remote phone. CO Alert is priced at $349.95 and ships in December 2023.
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Adding NMEA 2000 integration to a high-quality standalone carbon monoxide sensor is an excellent idea, I think, and Digital Yacht’s new solution is much less complicated than the Maretron SIM100 system ( ). More details will emerge when the COAlert manual comes out, but I understand that it will alert users of sensor failure as well as CO danger, and multiple COAlerts can coexist on the same network.
Do note that COAlert uses standard NMEA 2000 Alert messages which are not yet well supported on N2K displays, as discussed here:
But we heard at METS that Raymarine will soon support Alert PGNs well, and that Maretron has similar support on its “to-do” list. (It had to use proprietary alert messages originally because NMEA had not yet developed standard ones.)
Digital Yacht also introduced its N2K Protect Cyber Security System, which looks to me like a good installer tool as well: