Good gear: Gemini Marine, the strapless bimini & more

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

6 Responses

  1. Bremer Speck says:

    Just a couple of weeks ago, my NH based canvas lady completed the installation of a “drop-top” dodger on Bremer Speck. John Lemole would have liked to get this job but due to the distance between Rockland and where I keep Bremer Speck, he was unable to do it. He gracefully offered to share his knowledge and expertise with whoever I would select for the job. Of course, this included selling the required parts, which go into the drop-top dodger. Everything worked out very well and now I have a custom designed dodger, which is sturdy and looks great. Another great thing about John worth mentioning here is his way of doing business. Many years ago, I saw his “drill-steady” device at his shop. I failed to buy it then but eventually needed it. I called him at the shop to buy one. He asked me for my mailing address. When I asked about paying, he responded by saying, just send me a check when you get it. I did.

  2. Capn. Chuck says:

    Ben, Ours was a do-it-yourself strapless without the elegant hardware from Gemini, I wish I had known about it, but it looks pretty good, . We moved away from the straps on the bimini and dodger a long time ago.

  3. Sandy Daugherty says:

    I had a good hard look at these patented fittings two weeks ago. They will be on my next bimini, and have a myriad of other applications, such as bracing folding antenna towers! Gemini has other innovative parts; they are worth a visit!

  4. mike merriman says:

    I got rid of my straps a few years ago by using the grab rail kits from sailrite
    Very simple, sturdy and cost effective (well not as cost effective as a strap 😉

  5. Tom Nicol says:

    I have installed a pair of these struts on the new bimini for one of my customers. Not only did it create a great strapless bimini, the bimini folded and stowed very nicely. The folding struts are a well crafted product.

  6. Dan says:

    John did the dodger on LIONHEART a couple of years ago, and I asked him to add 3 white SUNCOR MICROSTAR LED’s in the frame to illuminate the cockpit. It is great. I love the dodger, and added a remote control so that when we board the entire cockpit is bathed in a nice white light.
    Gemini is absolutely the Rolls Royce of dodgers and biminis.

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