Marine Electronics Forums, now presented by Panbo and SailBits
Ben and I are excited to report that we’ve teamed up with Steve Mitchell from SailBits to co-present the Marine Electronics Forums. Steve brings a wealth of knowledge to the forums and if you haven’t checked out SaillBits, I encourage you to do so. Steve, Ben and I will all be regular participants in the forums, and we encourage all of our readers to join us there for conversations about marine electronics installs , use, and troubleshooting.
We’ve expanded the number of major forums to four with dedicated categories for networking and projects.
The forums will be hosted on Panbo and accessible by clicking the forum button in the menu bar on the top right of this forum.
As always, we welcome any feedback or requests about what’s working for you and what’s not. We can’t promise every suggestion will be implemented but we can promise we listen to and consider every one of them.