Using your PLB/EPIRB better & testing ACR’s ResQLink View

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

9 Responses

  1. Richard Cassano says:

    I have followed articles by Mario Vittrone, a former USCG Rescue swimmer, who pulls no punches by saying it like it is. His advice is to establish a public page on google or other cloud service and place the link in the “Remarks” section of your EPIRB / PLB registration. This way you have unlimited space to upload photos of your vessel, lengthy sail plans, medical considerations in detail, etc… Once you establish the Public page you can change it at anytime or expand on what you want SAR officials to know about you, your crew, contacts and when and where you plan to be. It’s a great idea that I have been using for some time. I have photos of both port and starboard views with an extensive list of equipment I carry. None of this is possible to squeeze into the small box on the registration form.

    The Public link idea is a powerful tool. Thanks, Mario for the idea!

  2. Richard Cassano says:

    Here is the link to my Public SAR folder for anyone who would like to see what I did. You can expand on this and make it as many pages as you like. However, be careful with tiny url as it seems to expire after some time. Best to put the full url in remarks on the EPIRB registration.

  3. Robert says:

    As far as can tell, the 406link service is not operational. You can’t sign up for a new account, and can’t renew an existing account. I finally called them, and they “renewed” me over the phone, but the actual testing function was not opertional. This was 1Q 2019, so things might have changed – but the website still says; ‘We are currently making upgrades to the 406Link system. We are currently not accepting new subscriptions.”

  4. Mike B. says:

    I don’t know all the ins and outs of having a public page to link to but, when I clicked the link in the above reply, I had to log into my google account. Then I was denied access and had to request permission to access the page which I have not received. So for folks who want to go this route, you should probably check to make sure your public page is readily and publicly available to SAR.

    At first, it sounded like some pages could be cluttered with endless amounts of information, thinking more is better. SAR might have to sift through all that to get pertinent info they need immediately. When/if I do mine, I’d prioritize and categorize along the lines of: Itinerary/Route, Boat description, Number of crew. Then add ancillary categories like photos, equipment inventory, medical info, etc. Use bullet points rather than prose making it easy for SAR to find and read critical information. Just my thoughts.

    • Richard Cassano says:

      My sincere apology. What seemed like a great idea, posting supplemental SAR information to a Public page, turned out to be, not so great. When I mentioned my post to two people who are contact persons in an emergency they both requested that their contact information not be made public. In order to comply immediately I deleted the Public folder and have not gotten around to re-writing it. At this time I’m not sailing, but will definitely have a new Public page up before the next trip.
      Again, I sincerely apologize for not having this working for anyone trying to follow the link. I still think it’s a good concept, but in today’s world one has to be careful about what personal data is made public and whether you have permission to do so.

  5. Mike B. says:

    Thanks but no need for an apology and glad to hear you know what privacy concerns you need to sort out.

  1. August 9, 2019

    […] The content for this post was sourced from […]

  2. November 26, 2019

    […] not only blinks blue but spells out Return Link reassurance on that bright little screen (like the useful messages I saw with the current ResQLink View). In fact, the ResQLink View RLS has already passed testing and only awaits Cospas-Sarsat (and FCC) […]

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