Monthly Archive: September 2005

PCs can be irritating, to say the least 8

PCs can be irritating, to say the least

How freakin coincidental! I was going to write a post today following up on “Geeks versus the evil M.E. empire”, but damned if some software didn’t hijack my computer, and my attention, for a significant chunk of...

Google Earth Katrina images 2 0

Google Earth Katrina images 2

I still can’t load NOAA’s extra hi res aerial images of Katrina into Google Earth, but did succeed with some hi res black and white imagery from Image America. Above is a small section of...

Google Sat Images, Katrina before ‘n after 0

Google Sat Images, Katrina before ‘n after

I was a bit taken aback when the wonderful Keyhole was rebranded as Google Earth; it sounds so pretentious. But, geez, it just keeps getting better. Now there’s a free version of G.E., plus they’ve just posted hi...

Swingship, and getting a compass right 0

Swingship, and getting a compass right

  Nova Marine recently brought out a compass deviation and correction program called Swingship. Even the free download version could help you at least document just how out of whack, or accurate, your steering compass really is....

Micro hard drive, meet Mikey 1

Micro hard drive, meet Mikey

The race to get hard drives into cell phones and PDAs may result in drives that really lend themselves to tough marine environments. Hitachi just announced a 1”, 8 gigabyte drive with ESP (“Extra Sensory Protection”). It uses...

Labor Day Weekend, no electronics 2

Labor Day Weekend, no electronics

I’ve got a cold today, and need a break. Meanwhile, it’s Labor Day Weekend here in the States, and that’s a little depressing too. On one hand, it’s becoming abundantly clear that the folks...

Volvo Penta QL trim tab, prize winner 4

Volvo Penta QL trim tab, prize winner

Volvo Penta won an Innovation award at MAATS for its new QL Boat Trim system. Instead of tabs and hydraulic rams, QL uses vertical blades housed in these rectangular blocks (two sizes, right), which mount on...