Boating 2009, “waves of jay”?


I’m not sure why I get such a kick out of fractured marketing copy, but I do.  And I want to honor the energetic entrepreneur who’s been trying hard to advertise the Mumbai Yacht Club via Panbo comments (even if I haven’t let them go up).  To “The Ownership Economic entails endless technical tensions of Man-management-n- Maintenance, Berthing, etc…” could we not add interfacing NMEA 2000 and 0183, making marine WiFi work, etc., etc.?  And if I ever get back to the southwest coast of India, which I’d truly love to do, I might actually try to rent one of the “club’s” yachts…

I’ve never forgotton my visit to Kerala in 1999, perhaps partly because the photo below hangs in our front hall.  It was taken on one of the many canal/rivers that lace the tropical countryside just behind the coast (sort of like the Georgia section of the ICW), and those guys are sailing/poling some sand to a construction site some where.  It’s hard to describe how content this part of the world feels; in fact, it’s a much studied anomoly due to its extraordinary literacy and lifespan rates despite its poverty.  But note the consternation seen on the face of these sailors.  They are worried that the 60-foot diesel ferry I’m on will throw enough wake to sink them like a sand bag!
   Therein is my deep thought of the day.  Personally, boating is giving me many “waves of jay” these days, even the “technical tensions” part.  But I’m getting a little queasy about the state of the recreational marine business, and the world in general.  Maybe it’s the weird lack of cruisers in my home harbor (which admittedly has a strong weather component), or maybe it was my first visit to Nantucket — talk about “elegant Hi-lifestyles & cocooned Comforts”! — but I’m wondering if some big wake is about to rock our boat?


Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

6 Responses

  1. Sandy Daugherty says:

    A bit harsh and elitist Ben! Jay is clearly visible on the upper deck lounge waiting for waves to spread on him…
    But I assure you that the joys of boating are still attainable by the cocoon-less everywhere. Even in my neighborhood, where there are damn few oysters to live in, we can “Call-n-Conclude to Cutting-edge advantage, Confidential Corporate Conference!” with just a cell phone and a bookie!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hmm…anyone seen a “small Business MAGNET” around?

  3. El Viajante says:

    I know a member of the Mumbai Yacht Club. I have been there myself. I will notify them and have them correct the jay/joy spelling.

  4. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Thanks, El. I do hope this entry doesn’t come off as mean regarding the Mumbai Yacht Club; that wasn’t my intention. I really do take joy from “waves of jay”.

  5. Mark M says:

    I enjoy the fact that it is a “YACH” club. That fits some boat owners to a T.

  6. Your comment about the lack of cruisers in your harbor hits home. Every place we’ve visited along the US East Coast thus far (FL, SC, NC) has been relatively empty of cruisers. Right now we’re one of maybe 15 boats sitting at the Beaufort Docks in NC, a marina with 92 transient slips. The anchorage is almost empty. The story is the same at each port we visit – “We just aren’t seeing the volume of boats this year that we’ve seen in other years.” Hopefully it’s just a temporary thing. Unfortunately, the marine industry doesn’t seem to be doing much to encourage boaters and cruisers. Slip prices are higher than before, dinghy dock and facility use rates have gone up and labor rates, for when we need help, are higher than they were on our way down. Hopefully this won’t affect the R&D efforts by the marine product industry. I’m still waiting for a cost effective NMEA0183 and NMEA2k to 802.11b/g unit allowing me to see all of my instrumentation (wind, speed, depth, course, distance to waypoint, SOG, etc.) on my iPod Touch!

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