Category: AIS

NMEA new guy, Digital Yacht 4

NMEA new guy, Digital Yacht


The one-day product exhibit at the NMEA Conference is never long enough for me, and I hope the manufacturers I missed—often the ones I know the best—took no offense (you know where to find me!). I put particular focus on companies appearing at NMEA for the first time, like Digital Yacht above…

Icom AIS receiver, and more on Class B 29

Icom AIS receiver, and more on Class B


What with Class B AIS transponders finally coming to market, a new AIS receiver may seem irrelevant. But it’s from Icom, it seems to be designed and priced right, and I suspect that it will be a winner…

Invalid MMSI numbers, a real problem 10

Invalid MMSI numbers, a real problem


The above (bigger here) is clipped from an interesting report on MMSI “anomalies” that dropped into my e-mail box. It makes a good case for why the FCC decided that Class B AIS devices should have their MMSI numbers input in a controlled way, and…

Class B AIS here?, but worthless? 36

Class B AIS here?, but worthless?


Today two reliable sources told me that all five FCC commissioners have now signed off on Class B AIS for US waters, though neither knows when the Order will become effective. The final step should be…