Category: Charts

Lowrance NauticPath electronic charts 0

Lowrance NauticPath electronic charts

Lowrance started talking about its new NauticPath electronic charts last fall, but the details — cost, which plotters they’ll run on, and “where the heck did Lowrance get them?” — are still resolving themselves. You may still find...

New Garmin plotters include all U.S. charts 2

New Garmin plotters include all U.S. charts

Garmin’s new 192C plotter and 198C plotter/sounder come with full detail BlueCharts for all U.S. coastal waters, including Alaska and Hawaii, loaded in non-volatile memory and ready to use! This is remarkable news because until now you had to also...

A Cruising Concierge From Marinalife And Maptech 0

A Cruising Concierge From Marinalife And Maptech

I really like this cooperation between Marinalife and Maptech. It will make life easier for boaters by integrating lots of services with Maptech’s interface. I hope this is just an example of what to...