Category: Communications

Garmin VHF 300 AIS, xHD Radar & more 13

Garmin VHF 300 AIS, xHD Radar & more


Garmin announced a slew of new products yesterday, the most innovative of which is probably the black box VHF 300 AIS.  I think that this is not only the first combination VHF radio and AIS receiver (aside from the mod Icom UK apparently came up with), but also the first AIS receiver with NMEA 2000 output.  While there are a couple of issues with N2K AIS target messages right now, I’m confidant they’ll be fixed soon, and this will become the way to go.  For instance, a Garmin plotter should
easily be able to “direct dial” AIS targets, buddies included, using
N2K.  But that’s not all to like about this radio…

Google Voice, call me! 8

Google Voice, call me!

Some of you may remember my enthusiasm for the GrandCentral, a free online voice mail, PBX, and one-#-for-life scheme with fantastic potential for cruising boaters (as well as mere mortals).  In that March, 2007, entry I even hoped for/predicted the startup’s purchase by Google, which happened almost immediately.  It remained functional, but very quiet, all these months. (I never did use it as a real contact number, because I like the Maine numbers I have, but did use its fabulous call recording abilities for tasks like testing the Cobra noise cancelling cell mic.)  Well, finally GrandCentral has emerged as Google Voice, with several added features like…