Category: Entertainment

DVD on a plotter, not bad 4

DVD on a plotter, not bad

I tried plugging a regular household DVD player into two video capable plotters last week, and the results were quite viewable, confirming the value of helm stereos that can also play video discs. That’s a...

Jensen MDV, splash resistant DVD plus 0

Jensen MDV, splash resistant DVD plus

I’ve already noodled on my theory that the proliferation of video capable plotters will stimulate more and more boaters toward helm stereos that can also play DVDs. Well, here’s a new one from Jensen that would fit the bill even installed...

MFD + 12v DVD/TV, yes you can 1

MFD + 12v DVD/TV, yes you can

It strikes me that with so many multifunction displays able to show video pretty darn well, a lot of boaters will be looking to upgrade their 12v helm stereo so it can play DVDs. Sound track on the stereo, picture on...

Yachting Entertainment 0

Yachting Entertainment

I visited the HISWA boatshow in IJmuiden, The Netherlands, yesterday. Can’t really say I saw anyting exciting, but the one thing I noticed was a very strong trend towards in-boat entertainment. Even in small...