Category: Panbo & misc.

MIBS, the madness 9

MIBS, the madness


Dear readers, sorry for the dead air! I intended to post at least a few times during MIBS (Miami International Boat Show), but your boy way over-booked himself, and sometimes had a little too much fun. For starters,…

It’s Fall, and maybe a flaky Panbo 2

It’s Fall, and maybe a flaky Panbo


The truth is I sometimes use Panbo myself as a sort of diary of where I’ve been and what I was up to, at least in the boating/electronics portion of my life. So I’m sticking up this photo
a friend (thanks, Howard!) took last Thursday evening.

Hello, a new sponsor 1

Hello, a new sponsor

State of Panbo

As of today, joins Power & Motoryacht and Sail as a Panbo sponsor. You may not be familiar with the site, as it’s nearly brand new, but it’s an ambitious operation putting up fresh, and mostly original, boating content every day

Panbo offshore, sporadic 2

Panbo offshore, sporadic

Actually I may be in Bermuda, and able to get online, for a few days. On the other hand, I might have some difficulties getting the gizmology through security! Then again, maybe I can figure...