Category: The future

Si-Tex eLoran, belt & suspenders GPS 2

Si-Tex eLoran, belt & suspenders GPS

I like this: GPS backed up—plus made more accurate, even able to deliver better than 1° heading accuracy at rest—with LORAN! And this is LORAN without the fiddly complexity of compensating for “Additional Secondary Factors” in coastal waters or...

Mix’n’match bridge of the future 0

Mix’n’match bridge of the future

It’s hard to reconcile the somewhat goofy bridge scene above with the wicked looking warship below, but they represent the same yet unbuilt U.S. Navy design called a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). Picture an aluminum and steel 127m...

World Wind photo mapping 0

World Wind photo mapping

When Navionics Platinum chart cards come out this summer, 3D photo mapping will come to boat plotters. Platinum (still not much on the Web yet) is really going to turn some heads, as it did during...

Chuck Husick’s Crystal Ball 0

Chuck Husick’s Crystal Ball

“Let us now praise consumer electronics—the iPod, Palm Pilot, the computer and even the not-so-lowly TV set. Why? Because while virtually everything else in yachting becomes more costly, marine electronics consistently provide more value...