Category: The Trade

Captn Jack’s, liquidation? 17

Captn Jack’s, liquidation?


Sign of the times? Or just an indication that the Captn Jack’s portion of Maptech is going to shut its doors? I really don’t know much new about the Maptech sale since my last entry, but there sure are some good deals available at Jack’s, free shipping too. Like the new…

A screenshot feature, do it! 7

A screenshot feature, do it!


Whereas I got the week started on what’s largely a trade subject, let me add an unsolicited suggestion to everyone who makes plotters, multifunction displays, or any other marine electronics with a screen and some sort of accessible memory. If possible, please add a screenshot feature!…

Maptech, big changes coming 0

Maptech, big changes coming


It’s ironic that I wrote about a neat Maptech price/packaging move Friday afternoon, as I now know that simultaneously the employees were learning that the company would be sold, either whole or in parts, and that it would immediately go into a sort of maintenance mode, which included a few layoffs. Naturally the relatively tiny marine electronics industry has been a-buzz…

Kagstrom’s AIS Simulator, and good B news 6

Kagstrom’s AIS Simulator, and good B news


Man, the AIS traffic was heavy out there in the Gulf of Maine! Actually I was using the very neat AIS Simulation software created by Mats Kågstrøm of Firma Mats Kagstrom. Specifically I was testing how many AIS targets a Raymarine E-Series can handle simultaneously, as I got a report from a user who says his resets randomly when more than 100 ships are within range. Well, I did see