Category: The Trade

Garmin, a juggernaut? 3

Garmin, a juggernaut?

Garmin is making waves beyond its smart seeming autopilot acquisition today. For one thing, a bit of evidence in the incident involving the 15 British Royal Navy detained by Iran is the clever helicopter photo above, in...

Garmin buys Nautamatic, sweeeeet! 4

Garmin buys Nautamatic, sweeeeet!

Moments ago Garmin announced that it has acquired Nautamatic Marine Systems, the inventors and manufacturers of what’s arguably the most innovative autopilot system out there. When I first profiled the TR-1 Gladiator in a...

MarineBiz TV, from Dubai of course 0

MarineBiz TV, from Dubai of course

I know I’m beyond the W.Weirdness window, but maybe you need a Monday distraction? Check out brand new MarineBiz online TV. There are lots of curious clips available but search on “Operation Training” and skip...

Jeppesen C-Map, the press conference 0

Jeppesen C-Map, the press conference

It wasn’t surprising that Jeppesen Marine’s Miami press conference was meatier than Navico’s. Jep’s acquisition of C-Map had been through a many-month due diligence process and had already closed before the boat show. I came away thinking...

Done deal, Navico never sleeps 1

Done deal, Navico never sleeps

Just a month after the announcement in Miami, Navico closed its deal to buy Northstar, Navman, and MX Marine. I attended the post-announcement press conference in Miami, and even had a few words with Navico CEO...