Garmin announces new GMR Fantom 18x/24x series, the most powerful solid state dome radars in their class

3 Responses

  1. Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

    I’ve had a Fantom 18X on Panbo(at) for a little bit and done some early testing. I still need more time on the water with it, but so far I’m impressed with what I’ve seen and the performance this 18-inch dome delivers.

    Fantom 18x Radar image

    -Ben S.

  2. Ben-
    The colors used above are a bit confusing – Green for Doppler targets moving away but all shore returns etc are red – so are approaching targets Purple / Lavender? Can you change the display to make Doppler Red / Green and fixed targets grey/ white / etc to make it easier to see the approaching targets more readily?

  3. Sven says:

    So what’s really new?

    The Fantom non-x have motion scope/echo trails/dual range/dual radar/dynamic gain/overlays.
    MARPA looks like it is still at 30
    Specs called out on the model website do show new “target size” and “scan averaging”.

    Power save mode does dial things back a little, but power consumption in power save looks the same as the non-x. Standby goes from 3->4 Watts

    Looks like we now get “up to 60 rpm” but no callout on what it goes when dual mode or motion scope are added.

    I am guessing we are getting some more robust processing /etc… that we would see in practice and potential new features.

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