Getting Technical: The tech future is muddled

Ben Stein

Ben Stein

Publisher of, passionate marine electronics enthusiast, 100-ton USCG master.

7 Responses

  1. John "JP" Powers says:

    Just visited your site after two year break. It looks great!

  2. Ben-
    You do a great job of providing well informed information on a broad array of topics. I always enjoy your articles and keep copies for my own projects. One of my great concerns about focusing on new technology is that it is leaving behind a lot of folks who are still using MFDs from 8-15 years ago for navigation and safety at sea. Just for fun I recently conducted a search on YachtWorld for a line of well known trawlers in the Pacific North West. I always check out the electronics installed and was appalled to see that every one of the available boats had kit that was at least 8-10 years old.

    Never mind AI and H2 propulsion, there is a huge number of vessels out there in need of a make over just to bring them into the range of current electronics capability. The issue is affordability and the lack of perception of just how limiting the old gear is relative to even the most basic Solid State Radars, Chirp Sonar, Fish Finder, SO AIS transponders and most recently the advent of Starlink for mobile satcom at very reasonable cost.

    It seems to me that in addition to looking at the future of boating, it would be good just to get the many boats that are under equipped or running gear no longer supported to consider an update to the most recent basics.

    You have gone to great lengths to explain the issues around LiFePo batteries, but I have a dear friend who purchased a LiFePo “kit” from China and was attempting to put that battery in parallel with his existing AGM and charge the mess with his stock sailboat engine alternator!! I intervened and rewired his system into an isolated AGM + LiFePo system with Solar charging of the Li battery and shore / Alternator charging of his AGM. He can run his systems off either battery but never both sharing the same loads.

    There is SO MUCH that so many still do not comprehend or appreciate regarding the electronics, battery technologies and propulsion options. There will always be the bleeding edge early adopters and those well schooled in the topics are to be commended for the effort and finances. But we have so many that still need to be brought along with the basic proven gear that is already out there.

    Keep up the great and informative articles – you do a great job of explaining all sides of a topic. For us retired engineers and DIY nerds who are just good at that stuff get a great education in seeing all sides of an issue. Thanks tons

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:


      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feedback. I often worry that my position leads to a warped view of the world. In fact, I worry about it enough that I started doing installation work on boats on a regular basis. Getting my hands dirty (and cuts from fiberglass) helps me keep a perspective of what boaters encounter and the “real” world of boat technology. I have stacks of 20+ year old equipment I’ve removed to prove it. You’re no doubt correct that the average age of operational electronics is much older than what we see represented on Panbo.

      As to your kind words about the coverage Panbo provides, I just want to say thank you. I often feel that I’m writing to the ether and I struggle to measure the effectiveness of my writing. Examples like your friend cause me concern that I’m not all that effective. But, words like yours are a tremendous reward for that effort.

      Thanks again!
      -Ben S.

  3. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    I’m delighted that Ben S has started posting his Trade Only column here, and it got me digging around for the still relevant marine tech features he previously wrote for the Trade. Enjoy:

    Current Ideas
    VoltSafe targets marina operators with a new way to deliver and monitor shore power.
    DEC 18, 2023

    Powerful Ideas
    Advances in battery technology are making generators less of a requirement on board
    APR 18, 2023

    Making the Switch
    Expect to see more and more digital switching systems on new and refitted boats alike
    APR 25, 2022

    Switched On
    The benefits of digital switching include convenience, shorter build times and trimmer weight. Tech training will have to step up
    MAY 1, 2020

    A New Way to Network
    The Internet of Things, which connects devices at home, is coming to boats
    OCT 18, 2019

  4. Dan Corcoran says:

    I expect the following tech to be more often adopted, with at least 20% of new boat owners choosing to outfit their boats with these technologies in 4 years (2028).
    * Internet browsing on the MFD. What would make it popular is android user interface, camera, microphone, and AI chips for speech recognition sans cloud. (standard by 2028). Users will commonly have a 4G/5G/Starlink plan for their MFD rather than nothing or Wi-Fi.
    * Man overboard with no special hardware other than disabling the engine and sensing people on board. While they will integrate with existing wearables and mobile phones, they will not be dependent on people wearing anything.
    * With the aid of AI in MFDs or smartphones, wind and speed through water sensors will self-calibrate, fine-tuning on each trip.

  5. DeWayne Enyeart says:

    Ben Stein:
    Your post about the DITCH navigation app prompted me to download the app to my iMac. The “Sign Up” process, however, has not worked for me. I cannot find a DITCH support link. I do not have any “Social Media” accounts.
    Do you happen to have a DITCH support link?

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