IBEX 2024: Siren 3

When Siren’s Founder, Dan Harper, introduced the Siren 3 Pro, it was supposed to be the first of three models of the Siren 3 series. That was more than four years ago and before Dan’s untimely death in early 2021. Since then, Siren has been acquired by Yamaha and a mid-priced Siren 3 Plus has been introduced. But, the low cost member of that series hasn’t materialized, until now. So, I was pleased to see an announcement at the beginning of IBEX that Siren will begin shipping the Siren 3 in April of 2025.

The $299 Siren 3 is a scaled down version of Siren’s flagship $799 Siren Pro 3 and $550 Siren 3 Plus. Interestingly, it appears the 3 Plus might have been discontinued. I can still find retailers offering it but there’s no mention on sirenmarine.com. The 3 has a single CANBus interface for connection to NMEA 2000 or Yamaha’s CommandLink networks. Antennas have moved from the Pro’s external and extendable antennas to internal. The 3 can monitor a single battery or bank via a wired connection in addition to (I think) a single wired bilge pump. It will also support up to six wireless sensors, now branded as SirenWAVE.

The 3 will use the same Siren Connected Boat mobile app for monitoring your boat and configuring the system. Siren already offers branding for boat builders within the app and I would expect those options to extend to the 3 as well.

In my conversations with Siren staff, it sounded like they are still working through subscription pricing for the smaller system. Given this system targets smaller boats, Siren is grappling with the question of how to price the service. Especially since many of the costs, like connectivity, server infrastructure, and app development expenses, remain the same. I believe the system will be significantly more attractive if they’re able to offer a subscription option at a reduced cost.

The monitoring space gets increasingly crowded every year and without this lower cost entry, Siren probably has a hard time competing for smaller boats. This system should help them be more competitive in the smaller boat category while also simplifying installation with a more limited set of both wired and wireless monitoring options. I look forward to comparing the Siren 3 to other systems designed for smaller boats.

Ben Stein

Ben Stein

Publisher of Panbo.com, passionate marine electronics enthusiast, 100-ton USCG master.

2 Responses

  1. I don’t suppose they changed their mind on this model and are allowing electrical PGNs to pass through from the N2K input? Last I spoke with them regarding their other models this was not a feature. I can imagine why they don’t from a business perspective but it would be nice.

  2. Don Gulliver says:

    Just checked their website. Looks like this model still is not available.

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