The DAMEs: DY iAIS, the iThing onslaught & more

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

7 Responses

  1. Jeffrey says:

    I see a strong future in the marine intergration of on board electronics and the iPad generation of equipment. We recently installed the Brookhouse iMux with WiFi enabled NMEA 0183 to interface with the iPad 2 and iNavx software.
    We used this recently during our participation in the 78th annual Nassau Cup Ocean Race… Miami to Nassau in which we (Mystiko) placed 2nd in our fleet first time in this race. The equipment worked very well for us and we are still in the learning phase of using this in conjunction with our on board systems, with the main MFD the Simrad NSe and all other Simrad via N2k.

  2. Dan Corcoran (b393capt) says:

    Look forward to Kees entry tommorow !

  3. Matt Marsh says:

    On the whole, I am not a fan of the “walled garden” approach that is characteristic of Apple and iThings. I do not like the idea that one company can dictate what I can and cannot do with my computer, and I don’t like that anyone who wants to develop for that computer has to hand over a big chunk of their profits for the privilege.
    But iOS does have two huge advantages: it’s widespread, and it’s consistent. If you’re developing for it, you only have to worry about two screen sizes and one interface paradigm.
    This is a Very Big Deal for the companies that are writing all these cool programs for iOS: it is relatively easy to translate a clever idea into a piece of software that works exactly as intended on any device a possible customer would have. And the kind of customer who buys iOS devices is, in general, the kind of customer who will impulsively hand over a bit of digital cash because “Ooh, Shiny!”.
    It raises brand recognition, it gets trendy spend-happy people talking about your products, it’s relatively easy to make, it can be quite profitable, and the risk to your company if it’s a complete flop is, at most, a developer’s salary for a few months. No wonder so many companies are eager to tie their products to iOS in some way.

  4. Richard C says:

    With regard to Digital Yachts award for iAIS:
    I just don’t understand why any company would spend a penny of their development budget on anything that has to do with 0183. Why didn’t Digital Yacht start off making the iAIS a NMEA 2000 product? Nice idea, but already outdated because all the engineers on this blog seem to be trying to figure out how to get the N2K data into the brand new iAIS that only hears 0183.
    Personally, I have abandon 0183 and will not go back and will not buy anything that is using the primitive 0183 network. How does the Digital Yacht, iAIS deserve an award for using old technology? As a consumer of marine electronics I’m not about to buy something that immediately requires band-aids to get it to work with the rest of my up-to-date electronics.

  5. David says:

    Richard it’s nice that you have all of the very latest upto date equipment but for the thousands or should I say the millions of mariners who still have,and will have for many more years,183 gear. I think it’s good that DY are addressing the 183 user.
    183 is going to be around for a long,long time.

  6. robotic says:

    you dont need the expensive stuff from digitalyachts. I have seen a very good small developer-board(WLAN-Router with serial interfaces 9-24V) for 39€. only add the package ser2Net and all data on your own network.
    look here :
    here you see the serial configuration ( they use it ofr robotic)
    all are open source

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