Yearly Archive: 2007

AIS, this ‘n’ that #5 9

AIS, this ‘n’ that #5

Y-tronic just introduced a slick looking combo GPS and tuned AIS antennas meant especially for Class B transponders. Y-tronic is also showing the Trueheading Class B as FCC approved. I wish that was true but...

Workin the WiFi, & Skype at SetSail 1

Workin the WiFi, & Skype at SetSail

SetSail recently put up another useful survey of what their far flung group of cruising correspondents is doing for communications. This time the theme is “Skype & WiFi”, which is no surprise, especially after my...

Onboard Pelagic, keeping it real 2

Onboard Pelagic, keeping it real

Having crossed paths with some circumnavigating Panbo readers in a foreign port, I had to get aboard, and what a pleasure it was to meet Iris Schepelmann and Graeme Arnall and tour their steel catamaran...

At the office, wireless in the B.V.I. 2

At the office, wireless in the B.V.I.

6:30am at the Bitter End Yacht Club, British Virgin Islands: the picture, of course, misses salient details—like the gulls rapping as they work over some leftover conch fritters, or the gentle breeze wafting through my tiki. A...

EarthNC Plus, & I’m outta here… 1

EarthNC Plus, & I’m outta here…

Following up on yesterday’s entry, here’s what the full EarthNC Plus looks like in my home harbor. Note the spot soundings and bathy lines. The 1:20,000 harbor chart has not become an ENC yet, but...

EarthNC Online, woohoo 0

EarthNC Online, woohoo

EarthNC has come a long way since December. For one thing there is now an official Web site. And a few weeks ago the company introduced EarthNC Plus, a $50 CD package that can overlay...

Lowrance iWay 600c, impressions #2 2

Lowrance iWay 600c, impressions #2

I’ve already written a bit about listening to tunes while navigating the highways on the iWay; how about boat nav? First is the good news that Lowrance has fixed the problem with “obstructions which cover”; you may recall...